German-style payment division is coming to Messenger!

According to the last blog post shared by Meta Facebook Messengerfor iOS and Android users in the USA split paymentsintroduced new features, including disappearing messages and enhanced voicemail recording controls.

Payment split feature Messenger Split Payments It’s called ‘Meta’ and started testing the Meta feature in December. This feature can split the bill evenly among members in a group chat or determine how much each person owes. A personalized message can also be attached to the payment.

The long-awaited feature is coming to Messenger!

Messenger, which is actively used by hundreds of millions of people, will finally release the feature that has been expected for 6 years.

What are Facebook Messenger Split Payments?

In addition to the Split Payments innovation, Messenger users in the US can now send disappearing messages to each other, similar to Snapchat. Vanish Mode The new feature called (Disappear Mode) can eliminate messages, pictures, GIFs and stickers after the other person opens the message.

Another important innovation is more control over voicemail gives. Users can pause, resume, listen and edit voice messages before sending them. The upper limit for voice messages has also been increased from 1 minute to 30 minutes.

It is not yet known whether these features, especially Split Payments, will come to our country in the coming period. But many people play games, open broadcasts or watch on Facebook. In fact, as an alternative to popular shopping sites, there are users who advance their trade through this place. Therefore, this platform, which is very popular in Turkey as well as all over the world, is expected to offer useful new features here as well.

If Facebook launches these payment methods in our country, would you like to experience it and become a long-term user? You can share your views with us in the comments section and on the SDN Forum.

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