Games Based on True Stories

Many of the games we play have their own unique story and structure. But what if these games were telling real-life stories? Knowing that the adventures we experience actually happened can be as frightening as it is fun, and at the same time sad. Let’s examine these games together.

The number of productions based on true stories in the game world is enough to barely pass the finger of both hands. there are few. Although the number of games that tell their own stories about historical events such as Call of Duty and Battlefield is quite high, the majority of these stories appear with a fictional structure.

On the other hand, there are many examples that directly deal with history, such as Age of Empires and Civilization. But we are here with a rather different list. Based largely on true stories and we will take a look at the story-oriented productions that have built the structure of the game according to this reality. So let’s get started.

Games based on real stories:

Experience a true rebellion: 1979 Revolution: Black Friday

took place in 1979 Iranian Islamic Revolution 1979 Revolution: Black Friday is a game based on true stories and historical events. As a photojournalist who witnessed the uprising against the Iranian king, the choices we made in 1979 Revolution: Black Friday, which we took part in, also directly affect the game.

It is possible to state that the game presents the Islamic Revolution of Iran in a very realistic way, including real documented information about the revolution and re-enactments of certain historical events. This adventure production, in which you will photograph important events and direct the fate of the game with the difficult choices you will make from time to time, in terms of historical realism It’s a very successful game.

Familiar names: Assassin’s Creed III

Assassin’s Creed games contain many events and historical information based on real events, as well as their own fiction. Also, the series has an important place in world history It also hosts many characters. For example, the famous Greek philosopher Socrates, whom we came across in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

Although the main story structure of these games is based on fiction, there are plenty of references to real life and events that have happened in history before. Assassin’s Creed III, which takes place in the year 1775, The game that best reflects the American Revolution We can even accept it as Are you ready to fight for freedom?

A true WWII story: Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30

The game developed by Gearbox Software; It was a first-person shooter released in 2005 for PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Mac OS X. Normandy Landing Set in time, the production reveals the true story of the famous 101st Airborne Division’s 502nd Infantry Regiment.

Although Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 may seem like an ordinary first-person shooter about World War II at first, it has a unique feature that distinguishes it from its peers. We take part in the game as a sergeant and focus more on a team-based adventure. In addition, Gearbox Software, which has studied its course quite well, gameplay elements and sound effects and managed to adapt it to the game in a very realistic way.

Horror game based on a tragic story: Kholat

Kholat adds his own interpretation to this tragic story, dealing with the Dyatlov Pass incident, which marked the mysterious deaths of nine skiers in Russia’s Ural Mountains on the night of February 2, 1959.

Boromir of the Lord of the Rings movies, Eddard Stark of Game of Thrones famous actor Sean Bean Kholat is an exploration adventure game with horror elements inspired by this well-known true event.

Living the Middle Ages to the fullest: Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Although Henry, the main character of the game, is a completely fictional character, the subject of the game is based on a true story. The king died and the eldest son of the king, IV. The production, which is about the period when Wenceslas was the new king of the Kingdom of Bohemia, is about King Wenceslas’ half-brother Sigismund, imprison the king and with his mighty army occupied the country tells time.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance, a role-playing game about the Middle Ages, gives plenty of space to the events that actually happened in the game. In addition, the time period in which he is the subject of his successful atmosphere and world is quite to reflect realistically The successful game is one of the first names that come to mind when it comes to a realistic medieval experience.

A detective adventure set in Los Angeles: LA Noire

LA Noire, developed by Rockstar Games and released for almost all platforms on May 17, 2011, is based on a fictional structure. most of it is based on facts.

Set in 1940s Los Angeles, LA Noire tells the story of Detective Cole Phelps, a World War II veteran. In the game, real cases You will investigate multiple murder crime scenes and uncover mysteries.

Uncover the mystery of 1908: Secret Files: Tunguska

Formed around the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, located in the central part of Siberia, on the morning of 30 June 1908. huge sky explosion Tunguska event, which is the name given, has gained a ‘point & click’ adventure game with Secret Files: Tunguska.

Developed by Animation Arts and released for Microsoft Windows in 2006, it features our main character. from the farthest points of the world One of them is about his journey to the Tunguska region.

A story that can deeply affect everyone: That Dragon, Cancer

That Dragon, Cancer, the real-life story of Joel Green, a young boy battling a terminal cancer. Joel’s parents A game developed by family friend Josh Larson alongside Ryan and Amy Green.

A two-hour story-driven production that will make you feel the emotions and reality to the fullest, That Dragon, Cancer is about Joel Green’s four-year battle with cancer. with a poetic style brings together.

Experience war through the eyes of a civilian, not a soldier: This War of Mine

since WWII one of the longest city sieges in the world one of them 1992 – 1996 Siege of SarajevoInspired by , This War of Mine offers players not battlefields; presents hunger, misery, and brutality.

Successful developer behind the Frostpunk series Developed by 11 bit studios and released on November 14, 2014, This War of Mine emotionally hits us with the hardships and bad living conditions of war.

A story from the First World War: Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Valiant Hearts: The Great War, developed by Ubisoft and released in 2014, A historical adventure game with lots of puzzles in it. appears as. At the same time; The game, which has more than one playable character, is about a German soldier’s search for his love.

Own original art design and with its successful historical atmosphere Also attracting attention, Valiant Hearts is one of the productions that tries to focus more on emotional expression rather than the theme of war.


Even Thoughts Are Good: 15 Games We Wish We Had Watched To The Enthusiasm Even If It Was A Movie or TV Series

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