Full Confidence in FTX’s Opening: Balance Price Per Dollar Exceeded 50 Cents!

The creditor demand market for the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX has risen to promising levels.

The creditor claims market, which represents the demands of FTX creditors, is starting to heat up. Price per request based on current data above $0.50 output. Market experts say that a pricing at this rate means that investors can get at least half of their remaining cryptocurrencies in FTX. symbol of increasing expectation commented as.

Some creditor demands, according to data provided by FTX debt claims expert Thomas Braziel OTC For 1 dollar to be bought in the markets $0.52-$0.53 It started to be sold in the band. Statement made by the expert from 20 million dollars you will get more Friday, October 20 Approximately per pot at auction on the day for $0.52 It was emphasized that it was sold.

Braziel, just “the cleanest” demands are sold at these prices, average sales are Between $0.30-$0.40 He stated that it happened:

The market has gotten really hard for smaller claims, from $500,000 to $800,000 and up. These claims are currently trading between the upper bound of 30 cents and the lower bound of 40 cents. Only the cleanest and highest potential claims are sold for $0.50 and above.

Based on current $0.50 data if a user from FTX He will receive 100 thousand dollars in the OTC market, if any for 50 thousand dollars has the opportunity to sell quickly.

On the other hand, Braziel said FTX still has to pay creditors. a long way to go He stated that it was. In the statement made by the expert on the subject, the following statements were made:

There’s still a lot to figure out. KYC and AML issues still continue to arise.

FTX creditors’ expectations, artificial intelligence firm Anthropic’s The potential for billions of dollars had increased significantly following the financing round.

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