FTT Is Dead, Solana… – Kriptokoin.com

Ben Armstrong, who appeared to have predicted the FTX (FTT) crisis, has now appeared with Solana (SOL) comments. Here are the details…

Ben Armstrong replied: Where is Solana (LEFT) going?

Youtuber Ben Armstrong, also known as BitBoy Crypto, asked, “Where is Solana going from here, with FTT clearly dead?” he tweeted. So he asked the crypto community’s thoughts on Solana. Armstrong reminded the crypto community that Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of the near-bankrupt FTX exchange, is a huge advocate of Solana. Still, despite Bankman-Fried being a huge proponent of Solana, “but she [SBF] Solana was not,” he made a short and concise comment.

Therefore, Armstrong separates Solana from Bankman-Fried. So, he reveals that he thinks the collapse of FTX will not affect Solana in the long run. Moreover, YouTuber predicts that Solana has the potential to make a comeback, even though it is currently in a bearish trend. He also used the following sentences while commenting on Solana’s potential in previous Twitter posts:

…But I don’t think SOL is dead. It’s more like in a “pause” phase right now.

Ben Armstrong had warned

cryptocoin.com As we reported earlier, Armstrong had previously come to the fore with his negative views on FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried. He claimed that Bankman-Fried lobbied with the authorities. In addition, in the posts he made in the past period, he stated that he would disclose many activities of the SBF. He claimed that FTX had a plan to victimize users due to a bug in the exchange API.

The analyst also highlighted Bankman-Fried’s willingness to seek support from Justin Sun. He suggested that without support, the SBF would threaten to sell the Sun and destabilize the Sun. Bitboy’s tweets got so much repercussions that even Ripple CTO David Schwartz tweeted that Armstrong had already issued warnings about the FTX collapse.

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Does Solana have a chance to rise in the upcoming period?

With Solana’s past price movements, Armstrong’s predictions are claimed to be strong. Some users argue that current technical developments point to strength in SOL. According to some experts, if the Solana bulls continue to push prices, the resistance levels may be broken. Interestingly, according to one Twitter user, Solana can keep the bears away. Crypto user, a fund manager, explained the reason for Solana’s price action and why he is betting on the bullish direction in the coming months.

He states that Solana could generate 20x-30 returns in the next cycle. The user states that the problem with Solana’s centralization is gone, as Solana ranks 3rd on the Nakamoto Coefficient, a metric for network decentralization. Additionally, the user shared that NFTs are successful in Solana. Also, the user pointed to an update that will virtually eliminate the risk of network outages in early 2023.

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