Frightening Statement About Possible Marmara Earthquake

prof. Dr. Naci Görür shared a frightening detail about the possible Marmara Earthquake in the post where he evaluated the earthquake that took place in Gemlik the other day. Accordingly, the North Anatolian Fault Line is spreading a threat with a branch that has not reminded itself for a long time.

Turkey has been waiting for a big and severe earthquake, which has been known as the Marmara or Istanbul earthquake for a long time. A new frightening statement came today about that big earthquake, which experts said that time is running against us and that an earthquake could happen at any moment. The warning, which was on the agenda with earthquake explanations before, prof. Dr. From Naci Görür came.

Naci Görür made an assessment on Twitter about the 4.1-magnitude earthquake that occurred in Gemlik Bay the other day. Görür explained that this earthquake is connected to the Gemlik Fault, and that the Gemlik Fault is a part of the North Anatolian Fault Line. If it is a continuation of Görür’s statement a new threat revealed:

prof. Dr. Description of Naci Görür

“We are waiting for the Marmara Earthquake in the northern branch. However, Marmara Southern parts are also accumulating serious stress.

A similar statement has been made before:

Doğan Kalafat from the Kandilli Observatory, who made a statement last September, stated that no significant earthquake had been produced on the southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Line for a long time. Stating that the expectations were that this arm would be broken before, but that the north arm was broken instead, Kalafat said that the south arm would be broken instead. still defined as a seismic void. expressed. The southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Line passes through the southern shore of Lake Iznik and reaches Gemlik.

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