French nuclear power plants heat river water beyond limits

The Cattenom nuclear power plant

The nuclear power plant is the third largest in France.

(Photo: imago stock&people)

Paris France’s nuclear power plants could exceed environmental limits as a result of energy shortages. The nuclear power plants have been directing warmer cooling water into the already overheated and dry rivers for longer than is actually permitted – this could also endanger the fish population.

The exemptions have been in effect since August 6th until September 11th. French media also report that the rivers could become too warm to cool the reactors sufficiently. Some have already cut production.

The nuclear power plants use river water for cooling and then feed the warmer water back into the rivers. Five of the country’s nuclear power plants are now allowed to pump cooling water into rivers for several weeks at a temperature that is actually warmer than European and French standards actually allow. So far there has only been one comparable exception: in 2018, for only one nuclear power plant and less than two days.

The requirements for the nuclear power plants are regulated in an EU directive from 2014, which the member states have implemented into national law. Exceptions are possible, but controversial. But in France, several problems are currently coming together that make the special case necessary.

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It has been unusually hot for weeks, but the nuclear power plants have to keep running because otherwise the energy will run out. In many cases, the temperature in the rivers rises well above the permitted 28 degrees. In some regions, even lower values ​​such as 25 degrees were set as the limit, which were also exceeded.

>> Read here: Stress test for the energy transition – Why the nuclear phase-out is no longer untouchable

Environmental protection organizations such as France Nature Environnement fear that many fish will become extinct and aggressive species could prevail. They accuse the state of not expanding renewable energies sufficiently and thereby causing bottlenecks.

France has to import electricity

France used to produce enough electricity for export, but now it has to import due to the problems in the nuclear power plants. Experts predict supply difficulties for the coming winter.

In view of the Ukraine war and the gas crisis, France continues to rely on nuclear power. But numerous nuclear power plants are currently experiencing problems, need maintenance and are not producing electricity. Only half of the 56 reactors are currently running. Therefore, the energy production in the still functioning reactors cannot be throttled in order to protect the rivers.

Across France this summer, there is an extreme drought that has severely dried up many rivers, which in turn is causing them to heat up faster. The drought has reached “historic proportions”, says French Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne.

France’s nuclear power plants account for 30 percent of the nation’s water consumption, which is particularly important in times of drought and water shortages. In many communities across France, water already has to be saved, gardens and golf courses should no longer be watered, cars no longer washed and pools no longer refilled. But there are exceptions for nuclear power plants in order to generate enough energy.

More: France abolishes the license fee.

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