Free Application You Can Follow Live Match From FIFA

FIFA has released the FIFA Plus platform, where thousands of matches can be followed live and which includes many sports content. The platform plans to live stream more than 40 thousand matches each year.

The International Association of Football Associations (FIFA) today launched its own live streaming and online content platform that challenges all broadcasters worldwide. FIFA Plus Announcing its name, the new platform will host the matches of 100 FIFA member federations. The platform will also include special content for football fans.

The new platform, launched just before the 2022 FIFA World Cup to be held in Qatar, to archived matches will also host. The platform will host all women’s and men’s World Cup matches. The total viewing time of these contents will be close to 2,000 hours. Although the archive contains a total of 2,500 videos dating back to the 1950s, this number will continue to increase in the coming days.

Matches can be followed live

Of course, the biggest plus of the platform is that the matches are free of charge. can be watched live it will be. Moreover, live matches are not only It will not be limited to the top leagues of Europe. Almost all men’s, women’s and youth football matches will be broadcast live on the platform. The 2022 World Cup can also be followed live on FIFA Plus.

The platform will feature programs such as documentaries and talk shows, as well as live matches and archives. FIFA Plus, which can be accessed from internet browsers or mobile devices all over the world, has made its debut in English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish versions for now. platform in the future. More language support is expected.

FIFA Plus, currently advertised completely free can be used. However, a subscription system is expected to come to the platform in the near future. You can download FIFA’s new platform to Android app by clicking this link. here access by clicking. The iOS app has not been released yet.


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