Fox Reporter Says This Date Possibility Has Reduced for Ethereum and Explained Why!

Fox Business reporter Eleanor Terrett said optimism that the SEC would approve the spot Ethereum ETF before May 23 is waning.

Eleanor Terrett posted on Twitter on March 10: in sharingU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) spot Ethereum ETF from May 23 for prior approval your positive expectations He stated that it decreased.

Terrett, who based his opinion on the conversations he had on the subject, said that in recent weeks one-sided meetings He stated that it was. In order to initiate and accelerate the process of ETF issuers and custodians He tried to meet with SEC staff, but the commission did not take it seriously, as it did with Bitcoin. was recorded.

Terret supported his statements with the following sentences:

You ask why? From what I’m told, Gary Gensler believes he has calmed the industry with his spot Bitcoin ETF approval. Additionally, influential anti-crypto politicians like Senator Warren are angry at the SEC for approving Bitcoin and do not want it to be granted to Ethereum as well.

Terrett also said that a source who spoke to him stated the following:

It is very difficult to understand the staff’s reaction to this issue and no one seems to know what is going through their minds. But they need to take action if work is to start soon

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