Former Google CEO: Armies Will Protect Artificial Intelligence in the Future

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt made a remarkable statement about artificial intelligence. Schmidt said that artificial intelligence centers will begin to be protected by armies.

He is one of the founding partners of the US-based technology giant Google. former CEO Eric Schmidtmade statements about artificial intelligence in a program he attended. Eric Schmidt’s statement, artificial intelligence how important it is becoming it reveals.

Artificial intelligence, even today influential to a point came. Now everyone can create their own personal assistant with artificial intelligence. But according to the former Google CEO, what we see is nothing. Because Eric Schmidt said that countries such as the USA and China are using artificial intelligence. at the expense of their lives to protect they will start says. However, it is not yet clear when this will happen.

“The army will protect powerful artificial intelligence technologies!”

According to Eric Schmidt, artificial intelligence will become the weapon of very special supercomputers in the future. Countries such as China and the USA are looking for new generation technologies. nuclear energy facilities they will establish. Even supercomputers that develop artificial intelligence will armies will be protected by.


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Frankly, the former Google CEO is not very it’s not unfair. Especially the USA and China have entered into a serious technology race in recent years. Other countries are also continuing their work on their own scale. And it is a fact that artificial intelligence will one day most powerful weapon will begin to be used as. So where will Türkiye be in these developments? This is what we really need to discuss…

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