Forbes Shares 2022 Billionaires Report

Forbes released the 36th Billionaires List, which it publishes regularly every year, today. The list showed that the number of billionaires has decreased in the last 12 months. However, some striking facts have also emerged.

Forbes, one of the publications that is published every year in the first days of April and eagerly awaited by the whole world, has released the 36th of the World Billionaires List today. Finally, the list covering the data received from the markets on March 11, 2022, The number of billionaires and the richest names in the world revealed.

Up-to-date on Forbes 36th Annual World Billionaires List 2,668 billionaires exists. This number was 2,755 in 2021. Looking at the current data, the total wealth of billionaire names $12.7 trillion In 2021, the total number was $13.1 trillion. In other words, the last 1 year that we left behind was not very heartwarming for some billionaires.

329 billionaires left the list, 236 new billionaires came:

Bumble’s Whitney Wolfe Herd and Peloton’s John Foley were among those who lost this title in this year, when a total of 329 billionaires lost their ‘billionaire’ title. On the other hand, 236 new billionaires joined some names that lost their place in the list of billionaires. Among the new billionaires Rihanna, Peter Jackson and Josh Kushner also took place.

The data also showed that Barbados, Bulgaria, Estonia and Uruguay had their first billionaire citizens. However, despite a tumultuous 12 months, the report 1,050 billionaires are richer than they were a year ago showed. Of course, Elon Musk was the name that increased his wealth the most.

Elon Musk As of March 11, 2022 He had a net worth of $219 billion. While Musk’s wealth has increased, especially with the purchase of 9.2% of Twitter in recent days and Twitter shares have increased, the data could not keep up to date as it was until March 11. The name that is in the second place of the list after Elon Musk Jeff Bezos it happened. In the third place Bernard Arnault took place. top 5, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett completed with.

Other highlights from Forbes’ report were as follows:

  • 86 of billionaires are less than 40 years old.
  • The world’s youngest billionaire is 19-year-old Kevin David Lehmann.
  • The country with the most billionaires was the USA with 735 billionaires. China and Russia followed the USA.
  • With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 34 Russian billionaires lost their billionaire title.
  • There were only 327 female billionaires worldwide.
  • 71% of billionaires became billionaires through their own efforts (by founding/sharing a company).
  • 30 billionaires died.


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