For the first time, plants have been grown on moon soil!

Scientists are drawing attention with their different studies day by day. Finally at the University of Florida (UF) scientists in soil from the Moon plants brought up. The ongoing research, published May 12, took place in the lab. The results of the research point to important developments.

Sprouting occurred after two days of watering

to the land of the moon’regolith‘ and is almost nonexistent on Earth. NASA, on the other hand, owns most of the lunar soil collected 50 years ago. Because the lunar soil is so rare, University of Florida scientists are considering using it. NASAHe tried to persuade. This persuasion process 11 years it took.

At the same time, scientists were looking at small regolith samples collected on three different Apollo missions half a century ago. Arabidopsis thaliana planted the seed of the plant. However, the seeds did not fully bloom. The soil from the Moon has a different structure than normal soil. In addition to being in powder form, it does not contain many nutrients.

Things are getting worse in Earth's orbit!

Things are getting worse in Earth’s orbit!

According to experts, the space debris problem is getting worse. Experts made statements about the solution of this problem.

Scientists for their latest experiment ‘Thale CressHe chose a plant called ‘. This plant is a small plant that grows in very little soil. researchers, soil into 12 small containers separated. Then they moistened the soil with water mixed with nutrients and added the seed. two-day irrigation then it turned out that there was growth in each pot. your report lead author Anna-Lisa Paul, “Everything sprouted. I can’t tell you how surprised we were!” used sentences.

According to the study, plants grown in lunar soil were not as healthy as plants grown in volcanic ash. Their biggest difference is that they grow slower and are smaller. Unsurprisingly, plants growing in lunar soil have their own RNA and physical structure. clear signs of stress showed.

In addition to these, scientists have determined that the plants growing in the lunar soil DNAHe can find a new growth method by examining the This shows the possibility that there may one day be a way to make plants grow better.

So, what do you think about this subject? Don’t forget to share your views with us in the comments!

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