Food and Drinks with Fatal Harms

You all know that smoking causes deadly diseases such as gout and lung cancer. However, not only nicotine, but also some foods and beverages can be deadly for humans. So what are these foods and drinks?

Nutrition is a basic human it is a need. However, we need to be very careful about which foods are beneficial for us and which are useless.

For example, sugary, floury and fatty foods are among the main causes of obesity, which is increasing day by day. Moreover, the only harm that such foods do to the body is not raising fat, cholesterol, blood pressure and sugar. At the same time, they are quite vital consequences can also give birth. Then let’s take a look at the products that we should pay attention to when consuming.

You all know those scary pictures on the cigarette pack.

Disturbing image of cigarette pack

Like nicotine, tar, arsenic, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide in cigarettes harmful substances exists. Already in its package, there are images containing information that it is deadly or will cause deadly diseases. Although they are not as deadly as cigarettes, people need to know that the products mentioned below can cause various diseases if they are consumed excessively and incorrectly. For this, visuals and texts can be placed on the packaging of these products, describing what their consumption may cause. For example, putting a statement about the risk of obesity on the packaging of fast food products.

We always have to be very careful with processed foods. For example, processed meat is one of them:

Processed meat hazards

Meats sold in the deli are foods rich in sodium and nitrate, which are not very beneficial for human health. So let’s put it this way, the excess of these in the body means the emergence of diseases such as heart, kidney diseases, stroke and cancer. in its simplest form carcinogenic Let’s say they’re making an impact. In fact, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research, too much consumption of these meats increases the risk of colon cancer.

Fries/chips that are untouched by the mother:

Potato chips damage

According to experts, frying food in oils that boil at very high temperatures creates a substance called acrylamide, which causes carcinogenic effects. Although the cancer-causing effects of acrylamides on humans have not yet been determined, they are known to cause cancer in animals. In addition, Dale Hattis, a professor at Clark University, said that acrylamide is used in thousands of years in the United States. to cancers diseases He says they guessed why.


Whether it’s french fries or potato chips, their sodium content also rises because they’re fried with boiling oil and sprinkled with salt. As we mentioned in the previous title, as this increases blood pressure and cholesterol, it creates a risk of developing conditions such as heart attack and stroke. For example, in one study, a high salt of dietIt is said to cause stomach cancer.


Margarine harms

Margarine is not easily digested by the human body. trans fats It is a processed oil. For example, 100 grams of margarine contains 630 calories. Also, imagine that you throw it into the pastry you make every day. It is very common for women to go to ‘days’ in Turkish society. If you go to a person’s house every day, it’s like eating 2-3 packs of margarine in a week.

margarine obesity

Consuming it in excess raises cholesterol and damages blood vessels. It is a completely toxic food for the human body, and it is also the main actor of fatty liver. Research shows that instead of using margarine in food, natural butter He says it’s more useful to use. In short, it should be avoided as much as possible.

Canned foods:

Harms of canned food

Canned foods are products that are processed and contain salt. Especially canned soups are considered healthier than other canned products, but this is not the case at all. These include up to 890 ml. sodium and as we have always explained throughout the content, this is unhealthy for the human body.

There are three stages in the preparation of canned food; food is cooked and prepared first. Then, the prepared dishes are sealed in these packages and placed on the shelves in order not to spoil by vacuuming with the last heating method. However, while these processes ensure the preservation of some minerals and vitamins in foods, some beneficial causes them to die.

canned soup

According to the American Heart Association, 97 percent of American children suffer from organ damage because they consume too much sodium-containing food. In fact, there is a dangerous substance (an industrial chemical) called bisphenol A (BPA) in the cans of canned food and this matter, It is said that it can leach into the food. That’s why experts say you need to be careful.

This chemical mimics estrogen (a hormone secreted by the ovaries) and to health problems It has a structure that can cause and disrupt the digestive system. In 2010, Canada was the first country to declare it a toxic substance.

Donuts, chocolate and candies:


Donuts or all leavened products made using white sugar, flour and trans fat make people who eat them fat. In addition, they cause problems such as heart diseases and diabetes. This type of food is not constantly, but once in a while. to consume It can be relatively better.

Harms of chocolate

Chocolate has an addictive aspect like tea and cigarettes. Because it causes the secretion of serotonin hormone (the happiness hormone in its simplest form) in the brain. In addition, the cocoa content of most packaged chocolates sold in the markets is quite low. in most highly fat, glucose syrup and sugar.

In short, because there are too many additives in packaged chocolates, it is beneficial to consume dark chocolates containing 70% cocoa. There is no harm in eating a piece of dark chocolate a day, as cocoa acts as an antioxidant. Various such as jellybean confectionery Just like chocolates, it can be said that they are harmful for health because they contain intense sugar, coloring and fructose syrup.

Did you know that unpasteurized raw milk and dairy products are harmful?

Harmful bacteria in raw milk and dairy products that can cause serious illness and death, and germs is found. Experts say these include Brucella, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Listeria and Salmonella.

From 1993 to 2012, 127 epidemics in the world were caused by raw milk. Most outbreaks are said to be caused by Campylobacter, E. coli or Salmonella. In fact, in 59% of the outbreaks reported from 2007 to 2012, At least one child under 5 years old It is thought that this situation affects children very much because In fact, 38% of Salmonella diseases and 28% of diseases caused by E. coli include children between the ages of 1-4.

For example, E. coli can cause kidney failure and death, salmonella It can also cause fatal intestinal infections. Therefore, raw milk, cheese, cream, etc. You have to be very careful with the products.

As you all know, carbonated drinks:

Is Coke Harmful?

Beverages such as fanta, cola and soda are products that do not provide any nutritional value for the human body. Moreover, they contain a large amount of sugar and different chemicals. According to a study, even drinking just two sodas a week to pancreatic cancer It almost doubles the risk of getting caught.

Fizzy drinks are lethal

Dr. Just one can of soda, says Joseph Mercola, contains 10 teaspoons of sugar, 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, artificial food dyes, and sulfites (the substance that makes up the acid). In addition, carbonated drinks create acid in the body, which leads to osteoporosis. Important mineral stores in the human body can be damaged when these beverages are consumed. Even drinks like diet coke / fanta, obesity and diabetes It has been revealed by the studies that they cause such problems.

Because experts say that these drinks are not actually sugar-free. According to scientists, the manufacturers of these products are deceiving the metabolism of customers by placing the phrase diet on beverage packaging. Because, according to research, those who consume these drinks may start to have an excessive desire for sugary foods and consume them later. Of course, it should be noted that; Only coke and fanta Not only that, all kinds of carbonated tonic type drinks are also quite harmful.

Bonus: Fast Food

Fast food

All of the foods you eat out and buy frozen from the markets, such as hamburgers, pizza, and crispy chicken, are all harmful. Because they contain ingredients such as highly processed meat, saturated fat, sodium, sugar, salt and flour. In one day 3 meals Imagine that you eat like this, it’s not good for your health.

One health organization in the US states that a combination of poor diet and lack of physical activity causes 310,000 to 580,000 deaths each year. For example, in Turkey 25-30 We can say that obesity has been increasing gradually over the years. In the WHO’s 2022 overweight and obesity report, it is determined that Turkey is the most obese country among European countries.

When we look at the statistics of the study, it is seen that 66.8% of the adult population in Turkey is overweight and 32.1% is obese. According to the World Bank’s 2008 Turkey report, obesity and being overweight Causes include consuming excessive sugar, fatty, high-calorie foods and doing very little exercise.

Of course, it is reasonable to consume all the products we mentioned without missing the dose. However, it would be extremely beneficial for health for everyone who has the opportunity to remove them from their lives. So what do you think? This from food and drink Do you consume any of them very often? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments.

  • Resources: The National News, CDC, Hilal Konak, Yök Tez
  • Image Sources: The New York Times, Smithsonian Magazine, Vogue, Pop Culture, The Spruce Eats, Erin Palinski-Wade, Behance, Life Hack, Today, Eat This, Not That, Eat This, Not That 2, ZME Science


Facts About the Ingredients of Grocery Products: Milk in Ice Cream, Lemon in Lemonade, Almost No Fruit in Juice!


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A great portion of people who claim to be healthy by not smoking actually have a more fatal mistake they make every day!

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