Flying Forecast For Bitcoin From Analyst: Even 5 Percent Moves The Price To 310K Dollars!

Willy Woo, one of the leading crypto analysts, claimed that the inclusion of actors such as world giant BlackRock and Fidelity could push the Bitcoin (BTC) price to $ 310,000.

Willy Woo is a recent social media in your postactors like BlackRock and Fidelity spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) price of approval of their application 310 thousand dollars He suggested that he could carry it to the band. Supporting this prediction with the trillion-dollar assets under the management of the companies in question, Woo made statements that excited the investors.

Under BlackRock’s management in the table he shared in his post 9 trillion dollars and Fidelity $4.2 trillion other major actors $27 trillion pointing to the total assets exceeding Transfer of 5% to Bitcoin in case of price 310 thousand dollars stressed that the level of

Woo, this money under what market conditions He suggested that it will also be the deciding factor that it will be transferred to Bitcoin. If giant players take action in bear market conditions, the price will at least 128 thousand dollarsif they take action in a bull market 398 thousand dollars He said he could see it.

although US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Although it has not yet approved a spot Bitcoin ETF, there has been no demand from such big players until now. Big companies like BlackRock and Fidelity can get what they want is being considered.

CoinGecko Bitcoin’s current data according to data $592 billionthe crypto money market as a whole $1.21 trillion under their management while having value 27 times more It is estimated that a new era will begin with the stepping of the companies in the sector into the sector.

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