Flash Radar Warning Penalties in Düzce Canceled

In Düzce, drivers who warned drivers with flashlights so that they would not be detected on the radar were fined. Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya announced that the penalties were cancelled.

Recently, an event took place that put the whole of Turkey on the agenda. In Düzce, law enforcement forces first took action in one region. radar app They did. In addition, the police who inspected the opposite side of the radar area also fined drivers who warned other drivers so that they would not be detected on the radar. The incident happened sparked controversy.

Now, there has been a new development on the subject. Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikayamade an important statement on the subject. Minister Yerlikaya said that the fines given to citizens who warned other drivers with the flashlight were cancelled. During the incident, 66 drivers were killed in total. 45 thousand 540 TL A fine was imposed.

Statement made by Ali Yerlikaya:

“Radar inspection is being carried out and control is being carried out” in Düzce. Action has been taken against drivers who remind oncoming drivers of their warning by using flashlights. We made an investigation together with our general director of police and friends and gave our instructions. We canceled and removed all selector operations.

You can watch below the moments when drivers who flashed flashlights at drivers coming from the opposite direction were penalized:

So what do you think about this? Is the cancellation of the selector penalty a correct practice?

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