Fizz CTs, All Talents, Strengths And Weaknesses In Lol

Fizz, the Bilgewater yordle of League of Legends, is more commonly known as anchovy. Since we like to name names as a people, we have given it a nickname.

One of the mid lane assassins who use both fun and dangerous magic power. fizzis an expert at destroying one-man targets. Aside from the mobility it has, it can handle any situation. to exit without damage Thanks to his ability to deliver, Fizz can truly be the danger.

If you’re playing against a Fizz player in mid lane who knows what to do, after a while, every time you actually meet him, he’ll say ‘Kill it and end this ordeal‘ you can wail.

Fizz CTs:

  • Akshan
  • Cassiopeia
  • anivia
  • Kassadin
  • Lissandra

Fizz’s overall damage is constantly being removed from his instant hit abilities. has the potential for damage characters (such as Cassiopeia, Anivia) are causing trouble for Fizz. Or, if there is a character who can get in between the instant damage (like Lissandra turning herself or her opponent into ice), things can become difficult.

All of Fizz’s abilities:

  • Passive / Agile Fighter: Fizz can pass through units, and the champion’s damage taken from all sources is reduced by a certain amount.
  • Q / Harpoon Strike: Fizz dashes through his target, dealing magic damage and applying on-hit effects to his target.
  • W / Seastone Harpoon: Fizz’s attacks cause enemies to bleed, dealing magic damage over several seconds. Fizz can buff his next attack for bonus damage and briefly increase the power of his next attacks.
  • E / Trickster / Trickster: Fizz leaps into the air and gracefully lands on his speargun, rendering him untargetable. Fizz can then choose to strike the ground or jump back into a hard landing.
  • R / Teeth of the Sea: Fizz throws a fish in the target direction, attaching to any champion that comes into contact with him, slowing the target. After a short pause, the shark emerges from the ground, knocking the target into the air and nearby enemies to the side. All enemies hit are slowed by magic damage.

Steersman of the Waves (Anchovy) Fizz’s strengths and weaknesses:

Fizz's strengths and weaknesses

Fizz’s strengths:

  • Very high potential to destroy single-man targets
  • raids are not much of a problem as he is very skilled at mobility and evasion
  • Strange as it may sound, it can walk without getting stuck with friendly units.

One of the big reasons Fizz is strong is because his instant damage is so high. Especially in 1v1 situations Fizz’s full potential can reveal. Especially in the mid-game, when you start to dominate the lane, you can leave the lane and go hunting. the opposing team’s mage or attack power carrier You can finish the job directly as soon as you find one.

Fizz’s weaknesses:

  • Being pretty bad at lane pushing
  • Being somewhat ineffective in team fights, as most of his abilities are focused on killing one person
  • Since the character is an assassin, if he can’t kill the targeted opponent, he can’t get out of the battle easily, and this sometimes causes him to be in the middle.

Although Fizz is a strong character in 1v1, he is in the laning phase. don’t push minions He’s one of the characters that has trouble with it. In addition, since the character is more suitable for playing alone, it is very useful in team battles. become a clear target He can’t come and play comfortably.

How to play Fizz in LoL?

Tips for playing Fizz

  • E ability is a very powerful ability, but don’t think it will make you immortal. Especially in the early stages, it can put you in a lot of trouble with the huge mana cost it wants.
  • From the 6th level, Fizz can easily hunt opponent players. Use this opportunity to disrupt the synergy of the opposing team
  • Fizz becomes a pretty obvious target in teamfights, and the fact that his abilities are single-player makes things even harder, so your position in teamfights is very important.

Fizz can sit up to level 6 innocently and then suddenly hunter slaughtered a character. It is important to play carefully up to level 6, especially since it is difficult to push lanes and your abilities have a high mana cost. After your ultimate is unlocked, you can break the synergy of the opposing team and start hunting opponents. Another point to consider is team fights. In teamfights, Fizz becomes a prominent target. That’s why you need to catch your eye on the opponents you want to kill and adjust your position well.

How to play against Fizz, how to beat Fizz?

How to play against Fizz

  • Fizz’s E ability is really annoying, but once he goes on cooldown, he will lose his only defensive ability.
  • Since Fizz doesn’t have attack speed and can’t put pressure on turrets, he usually tries to take down the opposing team by raiding other lanes. Warn your team the moment you notice that he is not in the lane and punish him with his tower for not being in the lane
  • While Fizz is powerful at destroying a lone target, his assassination and escape forms are too focused on a single move, so he’s often unsuited to playing in a coordinated phase on his own. Therefore, playing with your teammates will make your job more difficult.

Fizz on lane pushing and tower picking not a good character He makes up for this gap by raiding other lanes and helping the team. That’s why it’s good to warn your team if Fizz does, even for a moment. While Fizz’s E is a frustrating ability, it won’t be an ability to use often due to its long cooldown and mana cost. Even if it uses the only defensive skill he has Because he spends it, then an opportunity will arise.

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