First Images of Dune’s Second Movie Coming

The first images from Dune: Part Two, the second movie in the Dune series, were shared.

It won an Oscar in 10 categories, which was released in October 2021 and left its mark on the award ceremony. duneis getting ready to return with his second film. The movie, which is scheduled to be released on November 3, is available today via Vanity Fair. first images came.

Directed by Denis Villeneuve Dune: Part Twohas already made it clear that it will maintain the image quality it showed in the first movie with its shared visuals. We had the opportunity to take a closer look at the characters of the series with the images.

First images from Dune: Part Two:

dune part two

dune part two

dune part two

dune part two

dune part two

dune part two

dune part two

dune part two

What should we expect from Dune: Part Two? Here is the director’s explanation that sheds light on the answer:

“Despite the scope of the movie, I wanted to make a very human movie that was very close to the characters. I kept telling my team, ‘The most important thing is that spark, that relationship between these two characters (Paul and Chani). If we can’t capture that, if that image isn’t on the screen, there’s no movie. This relationship is the epicenter of the story.”

Dune: Part Two will continue to process the story from where we left off in the first movie. The series is planned to consist of 3 films in total.

Director’s previous statements:


Dune Movie Director Makes Statements About The Sequence: ‘It Will Be The Biggest Challenge Of My Career’

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