Fintech Giant Partnered With This Altcoin!

Fintech giant Revolut has launched joint education initiatives with Polkadot’s Web3 Foundation. Participants will receive DOT rewards with the concept of “learn and win” through partnership with the altcoin project.

Revolut and Web3 Foundation launch two “learn and earn” courses

With the introduction of the new program, Revolut will spread their knowledge about the progress of cryptocurrencies among the next generation of Web3 enthusiasts. According to the official announcement shared by Revolut’s team, the first series of “Learn-and-Earn” courses will be released in July 2022. Official announcement and details:

Two introductory courses are available for education about Revolut’s new and existing customers and cryptocurrencies. The courses roughly include:

  • “Crypto Fundamentals” is designed to explain the difference between fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies to newcomers and non-cryptocurrencies. Its program covers the meaning of cryptography, decentralized systems, Blockchain technology and fundamental concepts of crypto trading.
  • The second course was developed in collaboration with the Polkadot decentralized ecosystem and its developers, the Web3 Foundation. This course explains the benefits and opportunities offered by the Polkadot cross chain ecosystem, its main advantages and prospects.

Up to $15 altcoin rewards for successful students

Specifically, the course uses interactive visual materials (cards and videos) to share important information about Polkadot’s design, token, use cases and business integrations. Emil Urmashin, General Manager of Revolut Crypto, underlines that both courses will be of interest to various segments of the global Web3 audience due to the growing interest in the market:

Our customers have a great desire to learn more about cryptocurrencies. ‘Learn and Earn’ will help them better understand crypto-related trends, risks and potential opportunities. Due to our collaboration with Web3 Foundation on Polkadot, one of the most popular Blockchain networks, we help clients become familiar with crypto concepts.

After the courses, students will be invited to take an online exam. Top students earn a $15 DOT each. Meanwhile, more protocols will be integrated into Revolut’s “Learn and Earn” initiatives in the coming months, according to Revolut representatives’ statements.

About the Learn and Earn concept

In a nutshell, “Learn and Earn” is the idea of ​​rewarding you earning tokens simply for learning about altcoin projects. There are two motivations here: the companies behind the platform and the people behind the cryptocurrency. The learning platform prompts you to do this on its platform. So they drive traffic to their platform and compete. We will be relaying Polkadot’s “Learn and Earn” concept announcements.

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