Find Out Your Strengths and Weaknesses By Taking This Personality Quiz!

What is expected from a personality test is to give information about the strengths and weaknesses of the personality. You can reach this information with this ’16 Personality Test’ developed by Myers and Briggs. You can even learn about celebrities with your personality according to the test.

Is a person at seventy what he is at seven, or does his personality change and form with his experiences and what he learns? Although the answer to this question is not clearly known, scientists act with the view that “personality traits are mostly permanent and remain relatively stable for many years”. As a result of this move, categorizing the personalities they try to make us know more about ourselves.

Certain personality types are formed as a result of these categorizations. Personality tests are also formed as a result of determining personality types. One of these tests is the 16 Personality Test. Today, this test is used by many companies. used in recruitment is alleged. The test is generally used to provide a comprehensive analysis of people’s personality traits, attitudes, and behavior.

The 16 Person Test can be done online and free of charge.

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jungargued that personalities have four basic functions and that these functions are divided into two opposite poles. These; thinking/insight, feeling/emotional response, perception/observation, and judgment/decision making. Based on these functions, Jung divided personalities into four main categories: Analytical, Creative, Logistic, and Empathic.

in the 1930s, Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs MyersBased on these works by Jung, they developed a personality test. In this test, they used four basic dimensions to determine personality traits: Thinking-Judging (T), Feeling-Comprehension (F), Perceiving-Intuition (N), and Extraversion-Introversion (EI).

16 personalities

The test took its current form in 1962. Briggs and Myers’ test is officially “Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator” It was named as “16 Personalities Test” and today it is known as “16 Personality Test” in Turkish. The test uses a series of questions to assess personality traits and offers four different options for each dimension.

You can access the test online and free of charge on this site, or you can find the test yourself with keyword searches. Test Consists of 60 questionsIt takes between 10-15 minutes on average.

First comes the group of analysts:


INTJ-A/INTJ-T (Architect): All of the people in this group are people who have an imagination and strategic thinking about the future and can make detailed plans on any subject. Famous people of this group are thought to be Friedrich Nietzsche, Michelle Obama, Elon Musk and Christopher Nolan.

INTP-T/INTP-T (Logician): This group includes inventors who are passionate about knowledge and innovate. Famous people of this group are thought to be Bill Gates, Kristen Stewart, Albert Einstein, Avicii.

ENTJ-A/ENTJ-T (Commander): It can be said that brave, visionary and determined leaders are included in this group, and leaders who can always produce a solution in the face of difficulties or open new paths are gathered in this group. The celebrities of this group; It is thought to be Steve Jobs, Gordon Ramsay, Margaret Thatcher, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

ENTP-A/ENTP-T (Discussion): Thinkers in this group; Despite being intelligent and inquisitive, they are weak at dealing with intellectual challenges. The celebrities of this group; It is thought to be Alfred “Weird Al” Yankovic, Adam Savage, Sarah Silverman, Mark Twain.

Diplomats come in second place:


INFJ-A/INFJ-T (Defender): This group includes idealists who, although quiet and introverted, are still inspiring and unyielding. It can also be said that these people are surrounded by a mystical aura. The celebrities of this group; It is thought to be Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Marie Kondo.

INFP-A/INFP-T (Mediator): In this group; There are people who stand out with their self-sacrifice, compassion and kindness and are always ready to work for a just cause. It can also be observed that these people have a poetic side. The celebrities of this group; It is thought to be JRR Tolkien, William Shakespeare, Björk, Alicia Keys.

INFJ-A/INFJ-T (Leader): In this group; It features charismatic and inspiring leaders who captivate audiences. These leaders are very good at influencing people with their speeches and the atmosphere they create. The celebrities of this group; It is thought to be Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, John Cusack, Ben Affleck.

ENFP-A/ENFP-T (Promoter): People in this group; They are known as free spirits who are enthusiastic, creative and social, but always find a reason to laugh. The celebrities of this group are thought to be Robert Downey Jr., Robin Williams, Quentin Tarantino, RM (Kim Nam Joon).

In third place comes the group of lookouts:


ISTJ-A/ISTJ-T (Logistician): Members of this group are individuals who never cast doubt on their credibility, are fact-focused, and practice experts. The celebrities of this group; It is thought to be Sting, Denzel Washington, Angela Merkel, Natalie Portman.

ISFJ-A/ISFJ-T (Defensive): This group includes sincere and loyal protectors who are always ready to protect their loved ones. The celebrities of this group; It is thought to be Beyoncé, Queen Elizabeth II, Aretha Franklin, Vin Diesel.

ESTJ-A/ESTJ-T (Manager): Members of this group include excellent leaders with unique abilities to manage people or businesses. The celebrities of this group; It is thought to be Sonia Sotomayor, John D. Rockfeller, Judge Jduy, Ella Baker.

ESFJ-A/ESFJ-T (Consul): Among the members of this group; there are people who are always ready to help, extremely interested, have strong social skills and have a wide circle. The celebrities of this group; It is thought to be Taylor Swift, Jennifer Garner, Bill Clinton, Steve Harvey.

In fourth place comes the explorers:


ISTP-A/ISTP-T (Skilled): This group includes people who can master any tool and have daring and hands-on experience. The celebrities of this group; He thinks it’s Olivia Wilde, Bear Grylls, Michael Jordan, Clint Eastwood.

ISFP-A/ISFP-T (Adventurous): Calm and impressive artists who are open to experimenting with their creativity in new areas are included in this group. The celebrities of this group; Lana Del Rey thinks it’s Jungkook(Jeon Jungkook), Avril Lavigne, Kevin Costner.

ESTP-A/ESTP-T (Entrepreneur): Visionary and ambitious people who do not hesitate to take big risks are included in this group. Celebrities in this group; Ernest Hemingway, Jack Nicholson, Eddie Murphy, thought to be Madonna.

ESFP-A/ESFP-T (Entertaining): Those in this group; They are natural and lively, cheerful and enthusiastic people whose life around them is not boring. Celebrities in this group; It is thought to be Elton John, Marilyn Monroe, Jamie Oliver, Adele.

Note: This test is not accepted as a valid test in terms of psychology. The people who developed the test are not experts in psychiatry or psychology. The test is for informational purposes only. It does not give precise results.


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