Find Out Your Real Personality With This “5 Factor Theory of Personality”!

When describing people, we tell some of their characteristics. Psychologists also create personality theories by considering various characteristics of people to determine their personalities. One of them is the theory, which has the dimensions of openness, responsibility, extroversion, agreeableness and emotional stability, and is known as “Big Five” in English and “Five Factor Theory of Personality” in Turkish.

Our personalities are, in a way, our masks. Maybe that’s why the word “persona”, the word from which the word personality derives from Latin, was used in Roman times. masks worn by actors given name. These masks were believed to represent the personality of the actors.

Today, scientists working in the field of psychology also divide personality into various categories, taking into account certain characteristics. As there are scientists who believe that these categories are universal. Galton, Allport, and Odbert There are also researchers who believe that the codes of personality are known in society and that society solves them in its own way.

We can use Big Five personality traits as a first step to get to know ourselves.

how much people though they are unique Starting out with the idea that they are incredibly similar to each other in certain aspects, researchers divided personality into certain categories. Under each category, they explained the behavior of people who scored high and low, along with their sub-characteristics.

As a result of the categorization, researchers define the main lines of personality. five key features They emphasized that they are: openness, responsibility, extroversion, agreeableness, and emotionality. They considered the remaining features to be sub-features of them.


The advantage for us in knowing this is that we have information about the people we are dealing with. better quality of our relations. can make it. It can also be about knowing more about ourselves and getting to know ourselves better.

If you think that you are open to innovations, this feature may be dominant.

It has sub-features such as imagination, creativity, openness to different ideas, aesthetic interest and sensitivity. openness (openness to experience) basic feature; It is thought to be related to how open a person is to new experiences and thoughts. Individuals in this dimension are more free to express their ideas; It has been observed that they are different from stereotypical people who look at the world superficially.

If discipline and order are indispensable for you, this feature may be dominant.

Sub-characteristics include regularity, self-control, and empathy. responsibility basic feature; It is thought to be related to being achievement oriented, reliable and organized. People with this trait are often described as goal-oriented and intelligent.

However workaholic and perfectionist It has negative aspects as well. If you think this dimension appeals to you, you are probably more likely to be disciplined, planned, diligent, and rational in your responses.

If you like to be with people and you think you are social, this feature may be dominant.

Sub-characteristics include cheerfulness, thoughtfulness, and generosity. extraversion(extraversion); It is thought to be about self-confidence and being active. People with this trait are generally known for having positive emotions and being cheerful.

If a person is of this size if he thinks you’re appealing to him feels comfortable in social situations and can easily communicate with other people.

If you use the phrase “I warn” frequently, this feature may be dominant.

Sub-characteristics include respect, adaptability, and compassion. compatibility (agreableness); It reflects whether an individual is compatible with others and their ability to empathize.

These persons; in interpersonal relationships bottom area, You consider yourself to be sympathetic, warm, gentle, respectful, considerate, and friendly, with a tendency to appease.

If you are in trouble with your emotions, this trait may be dominant.

It has sub-features such as emotional balance, stress management, anxiety, depression, self-confidence and emotional control. sensuality(neuroticism); It generally reflects a person’s level of emotional stability.

This size; whether the individual is nervous, self-confident, optimistic or pessimistic, shy, emotional and like being worried relates to features. These people tend to experience negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and depression.


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