Finance Expert Gives 2 Altcoins and Surprising Bitcoin Forecast!

A traditional finance veteran at the $1 billion cryptocurrency manager shares how Bitcoin (BTC) could reach $70,000 in a matter of weeks before hitting $125,000 by the end of 2022 and why 2 controversial protocols are poised for a significant rise. In us, We have compiled key parts of Matteo Perruccio’s statements. Let’s start by getting to know him and his company, Wave Financial.

Finance expert shares bullish outlook for 2022

Matteo Perruccio is an investment industry heavyweight with over 30 years of experience in traditional finance. He currently serves as the international chairman of Wave Financial, a $1 billion cryptocurrency manager for the ultra-rich. It shares its bullish outlook for 2022, including how 2 controversial altcoin projects could see a significant rise next year. Some of this growth has come from a deep dive into international markets and the company’s lead company, Matteo Perruccio. Before the finance specialist jumped into crypto, his career in traditional finance spanned 30 years, including serving as head of global principal client and strategic relations at Jupiter Asset Management and CEO of Olympia Capital Management.

Perruccio made his decision when he compared the innovation in crypto to both the rise of the derivatives market and alternatives in hedge funds. He also shared the following experiences:

I remember the first conversation I had with people about hedge funds, they said, “Absolute returns are impossible, they’re all scams.” Whenever I tell my colleagues about crypto and digital assets, there are rumors that I hear it’s a scam.

When Perruccio takes a more holistic view, he can see the opportunities in the market and decides to move into the industry. Wave Financial, where he served as money manager, checked all the boxes as the first regulated cryptocurrency manager in the US, which seemed like a good middle ground for his traditional finance background. Perruccio says of the partnership:

He was the perfect partner for me… so I joined as international president to promote growth and build the business outside of the United States.

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“Adoption waves are sustainable in different markets”

Perruccio expects the next wave in crypto adoption to come, especially for investors seeking specialized asset managers in international markets such as Switzerland. Investors used to come to Wave Financial looking to invest sensibly in crypto with other currencies, but now the demands are getting more specific in their different pockets in the crypto market. Perruccio has this to say about the new entrants:

People are asking, ‘How can I participate in the DeFi evolution and revolution in the right way?’ says. And it’s not an easy thing… the actual investment process, where to hold it and all that, and the counterparty risk is pretty complicated too.

He adds that the rise in interest in the firm’s NFT and active VC funds demonstrates this.

Perruccio awaits this date in the Bitcoin and altcoin market

Perruccio expects this next wave of institutional adoption to significantly boost crypto in 2022 against a tough backdrop for equities and fixed income. “Personally, I’m pretty focused on 2022 in equities… and that’s the question of where else to invest your money,” the finance expert said. “What if we could get negative real returns on fixed income? Where are you investing your money?” Perruccio predicts that 2022 will be the year that a US-traded Bitcoin exchange will launch. It also expects more players to follow Citi’s announcement of a cryptocurrency division for institutional clients:

Things are starting to get moving and I think 2022, I hope I’m right, will be the year we see that happen. We will get approval from banks to hold crypto in many markets. We’ve seen India announce regulation… So I think a lot could happen.

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Matteo Perruccio is cautious about $100,000 Bitcoin predictions

But even if the outlook for 2022 looks strong, Perruccio is cautious about his outlook for the markets, saying:

First of all, I do not trade crypto and there is a lot of money to be made in crypto trading, but I buy what I buy because I believe in its medium and long-term prospects. So I’m an HODLer. While several industry signals suggest that Bitcoin could explode towards the end of this year, most industry experts think it may not reach $100,000 by the end of the year.

Perruccio continues:

My expectation is it will start a bull run, reach $70,000 to $80,000 by the end of the year, something like that, but I think we’re entering a positive moment. Moreover, he expects Bitcoin (BTC) to reach $125,000 by the end of 2022, but this will not necessarily be a smooth journey.

As for their recommendations:

What I’m telling my friends and family is, get access to this industry, understand that it is highly volatile, so don’t commit capital that you can’t afford to have in a shorter period of time. But I believe the overall trend will be upwards over the next five years. Beyond Bitcoin, momentum is being seen for two more controversial protocols, Ripple (XRP) and Cardano (ADA).

Perruccio talks about the potentials of Cardano and Ripple outside of Bitcoin…

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Perruccio shares his observations

Ripple is the native token of RippleNet, a blockchain-based payment network launched in 2012. In 2020, Ripple was accused by the SEC of illegally raising $1.38 billion in unregistered securities offerings. The case is still ongoing. Perruccio cites the litigation process as follows:

Also, remember, we’ve had rumors of him coming out of his talks with the SEC, and it’s all on a positive note. If that happens, you can expect it to escalate quite aggressively.

Continuing with Carrdano:

Cardano, on the other hand, is controversial because it has leading leadership that goes against some of the fundamental principles of more decentralized and decentralized cryptocurrencies. I think Cardano has great upside potential. It’s a great organization and a great protocol.

Perruccio suggests there are some innovative developments coming out of Cardano as well as interesting work in the digital identity space. About it, he says, “but we see him as very quality programmers and the community.” In a note, Perruccio’s colleague, chairman and managing partner, Ben Tsai, said that he expects cardano to be the best-performing tier one altcoin in 2022, with a more optimistic forecast that Bitcoin will reach $200,000 by the end of next year.

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