FIFA 23 gameplay video released

Electronic Arts has released the first gameplay video of FIFA 23, which will be released this year. Powered by HyperMotion 2.0 technology, FIFA 23 is quite assertive about realism.

Electronic Arts, which processes the data obtained from real matches with artificial intelligence, has developed HyperMotion 2.0 for more professional animations. Focusing on women’s football teams this year, the company created original animations based on the movement of real-life female players.

FIFA 23 gameplay video released

Electronic Arts’ web page for FIFA 23 states, “Our advanced technology and proprietary machine learning algorithm learns from 9.2 million frames from advanced match capture and writes new real-time animations to create natural football motion in various interactions in FIFA 23.” It creates more football realism.” statements are included.

Stating that they have created more than 6,000 HyperMotion-supported animations, the company announced that players will experience a more responsive and realistic game experience in FIFA 23 than ever before. Powered by HyperMotion2 technology, new animations enable more natural transitions between ball control and shooting.

GTA 6 release date and characters have been announced!

GTA 6 release date and characters have been announced!

GTA 6 release date, characters and the city it will be set in have been leaked. It is claimed that she will be a female character for the first time in GTA history.

Players will be able to enjoy matches with their favorite players thanks to the legendary players of football added to FIFA 23 Ultimate Team. FIFA 23 will give players more control over free kicks, penalties and corner kicks.

Players will be able to use the shooting techniques that we encounter in real life in the game, thanks to the skill-based risk-reward system smash mechanics. After choosing your hit point, you will be able to increase your chances of scoring with extra power by giving a hard shot command.

Electronic Arts announced that the running dynamics have changed with FIFA 23. Stating that an additional layer of personality has been created for the players to reach their highest speed, the company underlined that the players can be controlled with different accelerations.

YouTube video

FIFA 23, which is available for pre-order, is on sale for 699.99 TL on Epic Games and Steam. The Steam price of FIFA 23 Ultimate Edition was determined as 899.99 TL. PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S owners will be able to purchase the standard version of FIFA 23 for 800 TL.

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