Fidelity Filed A Trademark For Metaverse!

America-based investment company Fidelity Investments, which has made a breakthrough in the crypto space earlier than its competitors, has recently metaverse It turned out that he had applied for a trademark.

According to the information obtained from the application documents fidelitywants to carry its traditional services to the metaverse universe. The patent application made by the investment company does not only include the metaverse. Fidelity’s application NFTNFT marketplace, virtual real estate, virtual investment and cryptocurrency added trading services. These applications indicate that the company may want to provide services in the specified areas in the future.

Unlike other traditional finance companies, Fidelity is known as one of the fastest adopters of the crypto industry. The organization announced in November that it will offer commission-free retail trading services to its customers.

The team created to provide crypto money services continues to grow. The investment firm will soon add 100 more employees to its 400-strong digital asset investment team.

Fidelity’s close interest in the crypto industry to catch the current trend caused some reactions. Three US attorneys in the past have advised the investment firm to reconsider its decisions, arguing that cryptocurrencies are too volatile.

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