FFP2 masks outdoors – Omikron’s share in Germany is 44 percent

One Group of FDP members who submitted an application to the Bundestag against a general vaccination requirement, listed for it according to their own information, also the first approval from the Union. The CDU MPs Jana Schimke and Jens Koeppen supported the application, it was said on Thursday from among the applicants. The most prominent FDP signatory is Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki.

Union parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) had previously stated in the ARD “Morgenmagazin”: “We certainly do not agree with the Kubicki proposal because it makes it very, very easy.” The proposals in it did not work. “We do a little bit of personal responsibility, we do a little bit of advertising for vaccination, and then everything will be fine – that failed, this model.”

According to the draft application, the Bundestag should affirm “that there will be no general compulsory vaccination against Sars-CoV-2 in the Federal Republic of Germany”. The Bundestag combines this “with the appeal that as many people as possible continue to protect themselves against Covid-19 in the best possible way by taking advantage of the recommended offers of a corona vaccination”.

In the application, the federal government is asked, among other things, to “intensify efforts below the encroachment on fundamental rights of mandatory vaccination or so-called 2G measures”. She is also asked to maintain and intensify other low-threshold vaccination offers, such as vaccination campaigns at major events or at core times in front of hardware stores and in shopping centers.

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