A 4,800-kilometer Ferrari Enzo, owned by Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonso, could not be sold at auction. However, Alonso thought that the vehicle could be sold for 5 million euros.
One of the beloved pilots of the Formula 1 world. Fernando Alonso, is on the agenda with a very interesting topic. A few weeks ago, it was announced that a special Ferrari Enzo owned by Alonso will be put up for auction. According to the statements made at that time, the auction process would start on 8 June. Estimates about the vehicle 5 million euros around was that it would find buyers at a price.
However, the expectation did not come true. The car, which was put up for auction within the body of “Monaco Car Auctions”, despite the fact that a week has passed. did not find buyers. The car, which was auctioned for 4.2 million euros, did not attract anyone’s attention. The auction house had to close the auction when the vehicle could not be sold. It seems that no one normally around 1 million euros He didn’t want to pay a fortune to a car that changed hands just because it was Fernando Alonso’s.
This is what Fernando Alonso’s Ferrari Enzo looks like!
Ferrari Enzo with “Scocca n.1” body, integrated with Ferrari “Rosso CorsaIt has a red color with the name ” “. Enzo, which has a special certificate showing that all the features of the vehicle are original, is only 4,800 kilometers away. Ferrari Enzo, equipped with a 6.0-liter V12 engine, 650 horsepower producing beast. Meanwhile; one of the Enzos, one of which belongs to Alonso produced up to 400 Let’s not go without mentioning.
We tampered with Fernando Alonso’s social media accounts, but there was no word on the incident. did not explain let’s say. If you want to take a look at the Monaco Car Auctions page of Ferrari Enzo owned by Alonso, here You can use the link.
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