Feature to Make Users Say “Oh Be” from Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video has introduced a new feature to solve the incomprehensible dialogue problem in TV shows and movies. The artificial intelligence-supported feature will analyze the content and make the dialogues more understandable.

Many of us have difficulty in understanding what is said in the dialogues while watching a movie, series or any video in any language. For this reason, it may be necessary to use subtitles in order not to miss anything. Although some televisions and speakers have features for this annoying problem, it is still possible to frequently encounter incomprehensible dialogs on most devices.

Prime Video, Amazon’s cinema and TV series platform, which is also very popular in our country, has made a move towards this exact issue. Company, “Dialogue Boostannounced a brand new feature called ” today.

With the help of artificial intelligence, it will be easier to understand the dialogues in movies and TV shows in Prime Video.

Amazon says that this feature, which can be translated into Turkish as “dialogue improvement”, will eliminate the incomprehensible dialogue problem. According to the company, this innovation, which is not found on any other platform, is based on the status of the background sounds. increasing the dialogue sounds It will offer users a more comfortable and accessible viewing experience.

Feature, as you can imagine with the help of artificial intelligence it’s working. Dialogue Boost analyzes the original sound in the content and notifies it due to background music or effects. identifies places where dialogue can be difficult to hear. After that, the dialogues in the TV show or movie you watch are made more understandable.

On the other hand, in the screenshots shared by the company, it is seen that the feature can be used in the audio and subtitle section and can be set to two separate levels, “high” or “medium”. In addition, we will see if Dialogue Boost is supported on the content page as well.

The feature, which started to come to all Prime Video subscribers as of today, will be available for English language in a limited amount of content for now.

Dialogue Boost, as of today Prime Video subscribers around the world has been made available for The feature will be available on all Prime Video-accessible devices. However, it should be said that the availability of the feature is quite limited for now. For English language only in certain productions it will include. These include Jack Ryan, The Marvelous Mrs. There are also TV shows like Maisel and Harlem, and movies like The Big Sick, Beautiful Boy and Being the Ricardos.


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