Farthest active supermassive black hole found!

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has offered scientists the chance to discover many celestial objects so far. Continuing to open the horizons of mankind, JWST continues to make new discoveries as part of the Early Release Science of Cosmic Evolution (CEERS) Research.

JWST reveals furthest supermassive active black hole

Researchers announced that the most distant supermassive active black hole we have seen to date has been discovered thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope. It is stated that the weight of the black hole, which is estimated to have formed only 570 million years after the Big Bang, is equal to 9 million solar masses.

According to the data provided by the telescope, scientists have determined that the black hole consumes a lot of gas. It is also stated that the black hole can host a large number of star formations in this way. Research on the discovered black hole continues.

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The recently discovered black hole can be characterized as much smaller than other active supermassive black holes previously discovered, with a mass of 9 million solar masses. Active supermassive black holes typically have more than 1 billion times the mass of the sun. This makes them much brighter and easier to spot.

The CEERS Research team has found two more ancient black holes using data provided by JWST. The CEERS 746 black hole is believed to have formed 1 billion years after the Big Bang, while the CEERS 2782 black hole is believed to have formed 1.1 billion years after the Big Bang.

Astronomers continue to study black holes using data from James Webb. Therefore, CEERS 1019 may leave its record to other black holes in the coming days. So what do you think about this discovered black hole? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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