Famous Whale Warns: You Are Doing It Wrong! Because Bitcoin…

With BTC hovering below $42,000, predictions for the future of Bitcoin and crypto markets are coming from famous investors. The famous whale nicknamed Light says that some Bitcoin and crypto traders will likely be penalized as leading investors update their BTC outlook.

“You sold Bitcoin (BTC) to the bottom!”

The popular crypto trader and whale nicknamed Light says he believes Bitcoin has bottomed out and that traders selling at current levels are making a mistake:

People are really surrendering to one of the most offerings and key support I’ve ever seen. Emotional. I think he will be punished soon.

Source: Light / Twitter

Whale also points to historical support for Bitcoin to highlight the thesis that BTC may have reached a bottom:

I don’t really like to talk in definitive terms, but if you’ve sold here, I think you’ve sold at the bottom.

Source: Light / Twitter

Not just Whale, but Kyle Davies, co-founder of crypto investment firm Three Arrows Capital, shares the same sentiment:

I’ve been meditating for three weeks, no Twitter, just praying. I saw the future. And that doesn’t include Bitcoin death. Rise like a phoenix from the ashes, this is the bottom of BTC.

Three Arrows Capital founder Zhu Su also states that he is a bull:

If you’ve been selling BTC at 2x the all-time high for four years, go back to the underperforming SPX every year and leave the rest of us alone.

cryptocoin.com After the warning that BTC could fall as low as $ 38,000, which we also reported as the first, crypto investment guru Mike Novogratz also sends a simple message:

We entered the receiving zone…

Of course, not all analysts call for a turnaround. Veteran trader Peter Brandt, after accurately predicting the beginning of the Bitcoin bear market in 2018, warned that BTC has just breached its parabolic trend, but he has not made a precise prediction of what will happen next.

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