Famous Platform Chose This DeFi Altcoin Project: Here Is An Important Announcement!

Centrifuge (CFG), a platform that enables real-world assets to be connected to DeFi protocols, announced that it is collaborating with DeFi altcoin project Aave to launch the RWA Marketplace. Bride, cryptocoin.com Let’s take a look at the details of the partnership we’ve compiled.

Aave and CFG launch “Real World Assets” Marketplace

Altcoin project Centrifuge announced in a post the official launch of the RWA Marketplace on Aave. These real-world asset markets allow investors to earn returns against real-world assets not associated with cryptocurrencies. Through the partnership, owners of real-world assets can create pools of assets (for example, a real estate pool) where other investors can purchase tokens by depositing stablecoins in the pools. The Aave protocol also allows investors to borrow tokens against their deposited collateral.

DeFi altcoin projects will connect with the real world

Centrifuge’s RWA Marketplace also includes non-crypto assets such as tokenized Real Estate Bridge Loans and Cargo and Shipping Invoices. Stani Kulechov, founder of Aave, has this to say about what the market has to offer:

The RWA Market is a much needed building block, not just for protocols like Aave, but across DeFi as a whole. Breaking down barriers to entry and making DeFi accessible to all is part of the Aave Companies vision, and we are excited to achieve this through the collateralization of real-world assets made possible by Centrifuge.

This isn’t the first time Centrifuge has supported bridging real-world assets to the DeFi realm. In April, it announced that it was introducing real-world assets as collateral for Maker (MKR). The platform currently holds more than 50 million DAI (Maker Protocol’s Ethereum-based stablecoin) at a locked total value (TVL).

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