Famous Investor Who Said Bitcoin Will Rise To $1 Million In Three Months Lost The Bet

Famous investor Balaji Srinivasan, who said that Bitcoin (BTC) will reach $ 1 million in three months, announced that he withdrew, realizing that his claim would not come true.

billionaire investor March 17 started on the date and under normal conditions 17 June from the claim that will expire on won’t happen he understands for gave up and in total under the counter bet $1.5 million payout made. The investor, who recently stated that the aforementioned 1 million dollar estimate could be realized in a longer period of time, gave signals that he would take a step back.

The winners of the claim James Medlock, GiveDirectly And chaincode 500 thousand USD Coins (USDC) won. Users can send a post on social media that they have received the said payment. confirmed.

Srinivasan, in his statement on the subject, told investors that this bet is a good idea for the US dollar printing policy. a message to attract attention suggested that:

I burned a million to tell you the US prints trillions. The million dollar bet is now settled by mutual agreement.

On the other hand, in his speeches he frequently “Black Swan” voicing the possibility of the event, the investor still believes that the dollar is still a serious devaluation He believes he will live.

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