Famous Investor: “I Was Wrong About Bitcoin…”

SkyBridge founder participating in a new interview on CNBC Anthony Scaramuccishared his views on the markets, stating that placing a big bet on Bitcoin was a “short-term” mistake.

Still, Scaramucci continues to share his predictions that Bitcoin will rise in the long run:

“I prefer to measure Bitcoin investment over a four-year range. If you held it over a four-year cycle, you probably made money,” he shared his approach to Bitcoin.

Recent rate hikes bitcoin The SkyBridge founder thinks the US Federal Reserve could change its stance on policy by the end of the year.

Noting that there was an “exponential” increase in the number of Bitcoins during the last interview he attended, Scaramucci also stated that he did not agree with the views that the future of cryptocurrencies will not be one.

The famous investor, who mentioned that some investors bought Amazon shares in the fiasco in March 2000, was the founder of Barron in May 1999. Jeff BezosIt reminded me of ‘s face showing his own in a cartoon bomb that was about to explode. The cartoon in question was accompanied by the title “Amazon.Bomb”.

However, under Bezos’ leadership Amazonmanaged to revolutionize two different industries: and the company soon became a leader in e-commerce and cloud computing. Bezos had the last laugh when he shared the apocalyptic cover last October.

The parallel between Bitcoin and the e-commerce giant is of course nothing new. As Koinfinans.com previously reported, Scaramucci compared Bitcoin to Amazon in its early days to highlight its growth potential.

SkyBridge, the company that Scaramucci founded, is currently losing its investor money en masse due to its poor performance in 2022. One of the company’s funds had to suspend redemptions, which means investors were prevented from withdrawing their funds.

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, KoinFinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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