Famous Economist Turned His Eyes To 4 Altcoin Projects: Investment!

Real Vision CEO Raoul Pal is raising the bar on crypto predictions after weeks of wild fluctuations in the markets. In a series of tweets, the famous economist explained to his 827,000 followers why sentiment towards cryptocurrencies suddenly dropped and shared 4 altcoin projects that can now be followed. Details cryptocoin.com‘in.

The famous economist believes that 2022 will pass with a rise

Pal reminds crypto investors that despite the dramatic rises and falls in the intervening months, prices have returned to May 2021 levels. Real Vision CEO says the market will see greater adoption and acceptance by different creative industries:

We did not see a record explosion. We saw some speculation in NFTs, but it was mostly sales of people who already owned Ethereum and had profits to burn. Significant institutional adoption continues, with exponential new use cases. In addition, the importance of Web 3.0 is increasingly recognized by artists, musicians and brands. A kind of tipping point has been reached… And I think it will accelerate by the end of this month and 2022 is the year I think the BIG herd is coming.

Raoul Pal turns his eyes to 4 altcoin projects

As for the 4 altcoin projects Raoul Pal mentioned, Real Vision CEO says he is looking at top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), as well as Altcoins Terra (LUNA), Avalanche (AVAX) and Solana (SOL). . Pal also gives the following advice for long and short term investors:

If you want to leverage, add small premiums to the options you can write. Tier-1s BTC, ETH, LUNA, AVAX and SOL are better core cryptos. NFTs are the most speculative, but they also regenerate quickly, so invest in some NFTs as well.

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