Famous Economist Announces 3 Explosive Altcoin Projects!

Real Vision CEO Raoul Pal says that Ethereum is ready to rally and two altcoin projects popular with investors may be ready to compete with ETH. For details cryptocoin.com keep reading.

Raoul Pal’s favorite altcoin projects: LUNA, DOT, ETH

In a new interview, the famous economist says that a number of influential people he sees as important investors are optimistic about altcoin projects Terra (LUNA) and Polkadot (DOT):

Numerous investors, including Remi (Tetot), co-founder of Real Vision and working for Global Macro Investor, are very optimistic on Terra. Many people, who I consider to be very important investors in the space, are still very optimistic about Polkadot, and have been for a long time. It never did what everyone expected it to do, but you should still keep your mind open to these things. Or it could be something else. All of a sudden something else pops up, finds a different use case, and it’s really hard to swap things out without you realizing it.

Raoul Pal also shares his 2022 forecast for Ethereum. He states that the leading smart contract platform is still the largest trading facility in the world:

I still think we have a really strong run. I think it’s essentially this kind of annual side-fix that we have, the more adoption, the more use cases that come out. I still think risk-adjusted ETH will do extremely well over time.

“The reason it’s expensive to use is because it’s so popular,” said the famous economist, that it’s like a prestige blockchain for things to build on, as it’s the more decentralized layer of all other layer-1s. Raoul Pal comments:

So it makes sense to me with the change for ETH 2.0 coming as well. I think this narrative will evolve over time as well, so I still think the rise in ETH is huge. Where it could go in terms of market value, it could only go 10 times further from here in terms of market value. Who knows, in what time period.

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