Famous Companies Have Invested In This Web 3.0 Coin Project!

A Web 3.0 coin gaming platform on the Terra blockchain has raised $25 million in token sales. FTX Ventures, Jump Crypto and Animoca Brands were among the buyers in the said sale.

Web 3.0 coin project attracts investment

Blockchain gaming platform C2X has raised $25 million in a private token sale that includes acquisitions from FTX Ventures, Jump Crypto and Animoca Brands, parent company MetaMagnet announced on Thursday. According to a press release, C2X said it plans to launch its own public token with the same name, but no date has been set for the release. The platform, which will include the token economy, NFT marketplaces and a wallet, will be built on the Terra blockchain and will be recommended by Hashed, a long-time investor in the Web 3 gaming industry and a key player in Terra.

cryptocoin.comAccording to a press release reached by C2X, C2X also says it will be “strongly driven” and will be developed in part by South Korean game publisher Com2us and recommended by Hashed. Baek Kim, managing partner of Hashed, told CoinDesk, referring to Axie Infinity, a popular blockchain-based online gaming platform. ” he said.

The game industry is growing

Hashed participated in C2X’s private token sale and raised $200 million in December to support Web 3 games and ecosystems. The investment in CRX is interpreted as the latest confirmation of the trust FTX, Jump Crypto and Animoca Brands have in the growing Web 3 gaming industry. The trio’s support for the industry includes hundreds of millions of dollars invested in the past year through various gaming funds.

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“Blockchain technology provides a transparent and secure platform for users to buy, sell and store assets, and applying this concept to video games was the logical next step,” said Paul Kim, director of MetaMagnet. “C2X puts power in the hands of users and builders, not in one centralized entity, enabling the entire community to manage the platform’s operations and be fully invested in its success,” Kim said.

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