Famous CEO Lost Billion Dollars With This Altcoin: I’m Not Good! – Cryptokoin.com

Kim Seo-joon, CEO of Hashed, one of Terra LUNA’s biggest investors, was unable to attend the hearing, where he was invited as a witness, stating that he was mentally ill. The CEO, who lost $ 3.5 billion from altcoin investments, says that he received psychological support.

The CEO, who sank from his altcoin investments, cannot participate in the Terra case due to mental disorders

The Hashed CEO refused to attend the hearing before the Korean parliament due to extreme psychological stress following Terra’s collapse. Kim Seo-joon is said to have “lost” $3.6 billion in the Terra collapse. According to Korean media reports, the famous CEO was unable to participate in the congressional investigation against LUNA. He attributed this to his mental health and the panic attacks he experienced. One of the names that provided details about the event was Chinese researcher Wu Blockchain. Wu wrote on Twitter today:

Simon Seojoon Kim, CEO of South Korea’s VC Hashed, declined to appear as a witness in LUNA’s congressional investigation, citing mental illness. He said he has suffered from anxiety disorders and panic attacks since LUNA’s collapse. Kim Seo-joon was LUNA’s key early backer, bought 30 million LUNA and lost more than $3.5 billion (principal and profit) in the crash.

According to Wu Blockchain’s report, the South Korean parliamentary government committee began conducting state oversight of the Luna-Terra incident in October, in which Simon Seojoon Kim, CEO of crypto venture capital firm Hashed, was selected as a witness in the case. Saying that she needed psychological support during this period, Kim sought expert opinion and medical help.

Hashed, one of Terra LUNA’s biggest supporters, was one of the first investors of the project. He continued to support his plan to launch UST, which would later become a stablecoin for the ecosystem. In an interview with Bloomberg in August 2022, Kim Seo-joon revealed that the fund has purchased 30 million LUNA, valued at up to $3.6 billion when it peaked in April 2022. The famous CEO says he is now experiencing panic attacks due to his losses.

“I am being treated at the hospital”

The explosion of TerraUSD and its associated token LUNA in May dealt a major blow to Kim Seo-joon and his company, Hashed. Kim said he lost most of the 30 million LUNA he bought in the early days of the project. When the LUNA price peaked on April 5, it would have been worth $3.6 billion. The CEO now says he’s being treated in hospital for his mental health:

I have been receiving treatment at the hospital since July 29. I receive both medication and psychological support. My stress situation and mental health are extremely bad. Symptoms keep getting worse. I suffer from irregular illnesses and panic attacks on stress and anxiety issues.

As for Do Kwon, he still insists that he is not a fugitive and is willing to cooperate with investigative agencies and the government. However cryptocoin.comAs you follow from , he still hasn’t announced his location.

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