Famous Brands Choose This Metaverse Coin Project

The Metaverse goes beyond games and is increasingly integrating with real life. After witnessing that sci-fi movies have become a part of life over time, now the new Blockchain technology combines the real world with the virtual world. Metaverse coin projects, which gained a new momentum with the transformation of Facebook to Meta, are showing themselves in a different area every day. Now, the metaverse project Ceek (CEEK), which unlocks new revenue streams for music artists and content creators and offers a brand new way to reach and monetize their fan bases directly, is on Twitter, Ceekcity, the own metaverse of Swedish-based clothing company H&M. announced the opening of a store.

The concept VR store presented to H&M by CEEK creates common use cases for CEEK + enables virtual reality scaling beyond games.

Clothing company H&M chooses metaverse coin project Ceek

cryptocoin.com As we have announced, Ceek, an Ethereum-based metaverse coin project, introduced the virtual store of H&M, one of the world’s leading clothing companies, with its sharing. Ceek, which has approximately 744 million tokens in circulation and has a market value of 410 million dollars, comes to the fore with its partnerships with many famous singers and brands.

The Metaverse coin project, which allows artists and communities to generate income by bringing together artists and communities in the metaverse it has created, is seen as the YouTube and Twitch of the metaverse in the future. There are also events such as concerts and sports competitions in the Ceekcity they created. The price of CEEK, which rose to $ 0.74 by recovering on December 7, when the Twitter account was shared, started to decline in the following days and was traded at $ 0.5686 at the time of summer.

metaverse coin
CEEK 1-week chart / Source: CoinMarketCap

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