False Information Thought to be True – Webtekno

In every aspect of our lives, there is some information that is widely accepted by society. However, you will be surprised to learn that some of this information we accept without question is not true at all. It’s time to learn that a lot of the information that comes with Popeye, from “spinach makes you stronger” to the fact that vinegar water is effective in reducing fever, is not actually true.

Are you ready to learn that some of the social facts we overlook or misunderstand are not actually true? “Oh, isn’t this real too?” You will be enlightened again with the information you will say.

Even though the truth of some of them is known, remember that they are still Those who accept wrong as right there is. Let’s move on to our examples to refresh your knowledge.

Shaving your hair makes it grow thicker. (Wrong)

One of the lies that people with thin hair have been falling for for years is about shaving their heads. It will come out louder. In fact, this was proven untrue in 1928. However, our ancestors, who probably wanted their hair to grow more, came up with something like this and no one said, “What’s the point?” He didn’t say.

After a clinical trial, it was shown that shaving had no effect on hair growth. Thanks to shaving, there is also an increase in the rate or thickness of regrowth. No effects were found. When you think about it a little, you can understand how we were fooled in vain. Because when you shave you just dead part of skin expense. This is not a situation that will affect the growth rate and density.

The effect of the medicine given by injection is more effective than that taken as a pill. (Wrong)

needle and pill

Actually, this wouldn’t be wrong. However, it is also good to know that in some cases the opposite is true. So don’t think that every injection you see will have a faster effect than a pill. For example oral for intestinal worms The effects of the drugs taken are greater. However, it is true that many drugs taken by injection work faster. But some drugs should not be included in the generalization.

Compress made with vinegar water reduces fever. (Wrong)

reducing fever with vinegar water

One of the common mistakes in reducing fever is using vinegar water, cologne or alcohol. Although the use of vinegar water, especially during illnesses, has been common for years, this is not a good thing. Applications such as vinegar water, cologne and alcohol do not help reduce fever. reduces blood circulation by constricting the vessels It causes harm. These applications are for children cause the inner fire to rise even more causes.

Camels store water in their humps. (Wrong)

camel hump

For years, we have been led to believe that camels store water in their humps. You can take a look at our related content to learn what humps actually do.


What’s Inside Camels’ Humps and What Do They Do? No, They Don’t Store Water!

Watching television too closely can damage your eyes. (Wrong)

Production defect in some new televisions released in 1967 emitted excessive X-rays and warnings were made that television should be watched at a safe distance. The problem was solved by recalling the televisions and covering the tubes with leaded glass shields, but the myth that the eyes would deteriorate persisted.

Traditional TV shows today cathode ray tubes not used. Therefore, there is no problem that could harm the eyes. Watching television closely, eyestrain or headache It may cause eye damage such as: However, this problem disappears by resting the eyes. What we mean is that watching television closely is a permanent attraction to the eye. Does not cause damage.

The inventor of the light bulb is Thomas Edison. (Wrong)

thomas edison

This is partially untrue. Alessandro Volta, Humphrey Davy, James Bowman Lindsay, Warren de la Rue and William Staite in the early 19th century; He took part in the invention of the light bulb. However, the light bulbs they invented it was burning too quickly And that meant the bulb was expensive.

Thomas Edison solved this problem with his experiments on draft studies and combined the thin carbon filament design with better vacuums. This gave Edison a commercial advantage. Developing the most suitable bulb He brought the title of person.


6 Inventions Still Used Today, whose Inventors Are Mistaken

Alexander Graham Bell is the inventor of the telephone. (Wrong)

Another subject of historical debate is that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. You can review our relevant content to find out whether he took an example from someone else or whether he acted first in his patent.


Bring Tea and Coffee #8: We Tell the Story of the Inventor Who Invented the Telephone 10 Years Before Graham Bell

Christopher Columbus discovered America. (Wrong)

Christopher Columbus

History books would have us believe that Christopher Columbus discovered America. But the truth is not like that. When Columbus went to America hundreds of small nations already lived there.

Also, Columbus discovered America found by sea Not the first person either. Viking explorers had already visited the east coast of North America at the beginning of the 10th century. “So what did this Kristof do?” If you say, the man is only America’s conquered a small part and on top of that for the transportation of slaves and goods trade route created.

If you touch someone who is struck by lightning, you will be struck too. (Wrong)

This is another lightning myth. Human body It does not store electricity. That’s why it’s safe to touch someone who’s been struck by lightning. Imagine, you believe this and perhaps leave someone who is struck by lightning alone with death!


If your hair suddenly becomes electrified like this while you are outside, you should run away from there! So why?

When you sneeze, your heart stops beating. (Wrong)

When you say “Bless you”, you think that the heart of the person who sneezes stops for a moment, but this is not true either. Incidentally Where does “bless you” come from? Let’s talk about it briefly. One of the symptoms of the Black Death was sneezing, and sneezing was considered to prevent death. To prevent the sneezing person from succumbing to the infection, the saying “bless you” began to be said.

Let’s get to our main topic. With the first breath taken before sneezing the pressure in the chest increases. When you exhale forcefully while sneezing, the pressure decreases. Due to pressure and the resulting change in blood flow to the heart heart rate may be affected But there is no change in the electrical activity in the heart, so your heart does not stop.

Yogurt should not be eaten with fish. (Wrong)

fish and yoghurt

Infectious Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Önder Ergönül and Nutrition and Diet Specialist Gözde Şahin clarify this issue. If the fish and yoghurt are fresh, you can eat both at the same time. increased in stale fish histamine The combination of the amount and the yoghurt may cause negative reactions, especially in those with allergies. Histamine aside, stale fish anyway. to poison It leads. So sometimes the yogurt isn’t to blame.

If you eat spinach, you will be strong like Popeye. (Wrong)


Thanks to Popeye, the idea that spinach contains a lot of iron and therefore the person who eats it will become stronger, was ingrained in our minds. However, the situation is not as you think.


It was actually a small ‘punctuation error’ that caused Popeye to love spinach so much!

People who consume too much sugar become diabetic. (Wrong)

sugar and diabetes

That this is wrong is completely true for Type 1 diabetes. Because it is not known exactly why Type 1 diabetes occurs, but life style It’s definitely not related to. So, you cannot get Type 1 diabetes by consuming sugar.

For type 2 diabetes, the situation is not so clear. Sugar is not the direct cause of type 2 diabetes. But there is another connection. Over-weight Eating too many calories increases the risk of developing diabetes. Sugary foods contain too many calories and cause weight gain. Still, it’s worth saying. Sugar is not the only cause of type 2 diabetes.

Of course, sugar, especially taken outside of food, causes some harm to health. It is beneficial to use sugar, which is among the culprits of cancer, consciously and in moderation.

The lifespan of butterflies is 1 day. (Wrong)


Not all butterflies live 1 day, but all butterflies does not live more than a year. Most adult butterflies live for a week or two. Some are hibernate It can even lie down and live for months. Even the mayfly, one of the flies with the shortest lifespan, lives for a few days. However, the larval period of this fly species is approximately 2 years under water.

Paper cannot be folded more than 7 times. (Wrong)

folding paper

The reason for this misconception is widespread all over the world. A4 size paper caused by its use. Yes, you cannot fold papers around A4 size more than 7 times. But what about a larger piece of paper? You can watch the answer to this question in the video below. The huge paper in the video 11 times endures.

folding 12 times The record was broken by high school student Britnet Gallivan in 2002. Gallivan, Guinness Book of Records entered and used mathematics to break this record.


How Many Times Can You Fold a Paper? (The Answer Is Not What You Think)

galatifamous How many of the contents we compiled did you know were correct? “This is also known as wrong.” If you have any questions, we welcome your comments.


You’ll feel like your brain has been updated when you learn the truth about this wrong information.


We Have Explained the Truth in 12 Misinformation You Often Come across on the Internet


How Do You Know If Something You See on the Internet Is True?

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