Fake Satoshi Nakamoto, who claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin, was exposed!

The case in England of Craig Wright, who claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin, was decided.

Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), Bitcoin’s prospectus Because he claimed that he wrote it himself to Craig Wright He filed a lawsuit in 2021. The case, which started in early February, was decided.

According to the news by CoinDesk, UK Judge James Mellor Craig Wright He ruled that he was not Satoshi Nakamoto or the author of the Bitcoin prospectus. While Judge James Mellor stated that the evidence was very strong, it was confirmed by the British courts that Craig Wright was not the inventor of Bitcoin.

Adam Back, CEO of Blockstream, Craig claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto wrightHe testified in his trial. Between Satoshi and Back during the trial 2008 and 2009 Some e-mails sent between years were revealed.

Adan Back also made statements that Craig Wright is not Satoshi.

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