Facebook shares personal data with FBI!

FacebookIt has been talked about for a long time that ‘s monitors and uses personal data. Until now privacy of personal data The company, which has been investigated many times, now faces a much bigger claim. According to the claim, Facebook private messages and data of its users is watching.

Big Facebook claim for US elections

New York Post According to the news made by Facebook, American users’ private messages and data by monitoring anti-government or authority. Sharing with the FBI. It was alleged that the company also leaked information to the FBI about the 2020 elections.

Facebook does not know where your information is stored!

Two longtime Meta engineers were asked about how the company stores and tracks user data.

For a long time some private messages determined by any without a court order It is reportedly shared with the FBI. Based on these messages, the determined persons of the FBI local terror operations unit is reported to have been transmitted.


After the FBI, which has already obtained these private messages, in order to legalize the situation From the U.S. Attorney’s Office It is stated that he requested a subpoena to formally take private interviews. Authorities, who examined these messages, did not crime or violence concludes that it does not.

Most of the people who are the subject of the messages From the 2020 election It is stated that there are citizens who are angry and talk about protesting afterwards. In people’s messages or history crime, violence, massacre or conspiratorial It is stated that such elements were not found.

https://i0.wp.com/shiftdelete.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Facebook-bir-ozelligine-veda-ediyor-Ancak-bir-nedeni-var-1.webp?resize=1170% 2C658&ssl=1

parent company of facebook Meta’s spokesperson Erica Sackin made a statement on the subject. Sackin said in a statement that Facebook’s interaction with the FBI “protect people from harmHe stated that it was for ” and that these allegations were false. On the other hand FBI He did not make a clear statement on the subject.

The one who hides his identity and is the source of all these claims. Ministry of Justice employees on the other hand, because federal law enforcement is politicized and innocent Americans violation of their constitutional rights They say he spoke to the New York Post out of concern. It is stated that more people are ready to make a statement on this issue.

long-standing protection of personal information subject, Facebook and FBI partnership has been moved to a different dimension. So you Facebook personal data What do you think about sharing it with the FBI? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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