Experts Announced 5 Web 3.0 Coin Projects to Buy in 2022!

The Web 3.0 discussions were hotly debated on Twitter, following the performance of metaverse projects in the last quarter of 2021 and Elon Musk’s lamentation of a “temporary marketing fad”. In this article, we cover the experts’ selection of 2022 5 Web 3.0 coin projects and their features.

Here are 5 Web 3.0 coin projects that can be followed in 2022 through the lens of experts

The first project, Polkadot (DOT), is a next-generation Web3 platform that opens a new era in scalability by enabling cross-blockchain “parachains” interoperability. Polkadot has a rapidly growing audience, making it one of the most anticipated projects in the industry, according to experts.

BitTorrent is the website that wanted Satoshi Nakamoto to find Bitcoin. BTT represents the world’s largest decentralized file sharing protocol. The protocol is also responsible for carrying a significant percentage of the world’s Internet traffic every day. The project’s native token, BTT, is a Blockchain-based TRC-10 token that supports features of the most popular decentralized protocols and applications in the world.

Known as the cryptocurrency that adds privacy to Web 3.0 projects, Zcash is a decentralized, peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency with the most advanced privacy and security features. Aiming to be a critical solution in protecting economic and social freedoms, Zcash ensures transactions are verified without revealing data. You can find the detailed Web 3.0 coin guide we have prepared here.

Oracle platform: Chainlink (LINK)

Chainlink is a game changer in the Web3 revolution as it is a decentralized open source oracle network that provides computations to support advanced smart contracts on any Blockchain. It was developed by a large community of developers, researchers, and users who share the goal of making it the building block of a modern DeFi ecosystem that provides an affordable and fair world.

Blockchain streaming platform Theta Labs has recently launched a new product, the “Theta Video API,” which allows developers to add decentralized video to any website or application without any centralized server, content delivery, or video hosting software. Liu, CEO of Theta Labs, has this to say about the project:

Theta’s vision is to bring Web 3.0 principles to video streaming so anyone can stream video over a decentralized network with no permissions, interventions, and no centralized presence collecting and selling your data.

Experts Announced 5 Web 3.0 Coin Projects!

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