Expert Shared 5 Popular BSC-Based Metaverse Coin Projects!

With the popularity of Metaverse coins growing in popularity, there are dozens of platforms for projects to build their next-gen virtual universe. Some of the more popular options for Metaverse cryptocurrencies are Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon. This article will review the best GameFi/Metaverse coins built on the Binance Smart Chain, ordered from lowest to highest by active users over the past 30 days. Expert Mark Arguinbaev shares 5 BSC-based metaverse coin projects. Details‘in.

5 popular metaverse coins

BinaryX (BNX). BinaryX is the team behind Cyber ​​Dragon, a play-to-earn on-chain metaverse game built on Binance Smart Chain. Cyber ​​Dragon allows players to create characters, collect rare equipment and receive dragon treasure as a reward. Cyber ​​Dragon combines the features of Gaming, NFTs, DeFi, Marketplace and Auctions to offer one of the best games in BSC. Players have the chance to earn daily rewards, improve their combat and life skills, and embark on dungeon adventures.

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X World Games (XWG). X World Games is a decentralized blockchain gaming platform built on the Binance Smart Chain. X World Games provides decentralized ownership of a game world through a DAO. According to the official whitepaper: “Players with XWG tokens decide on the management policy or next in-game development for the ecosystem, including reward mechanisms and tokenomic systems.” X World Games allows users to create various in-game items from unique avatars and equipment. All in-game items will be specified and represented via NFTs. XWG is a community-supported icon that lets players truly own every aspect of their character.

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MOBOX (MBOX). MOBOX is the team behind MOMOverse, a cross-platform Metaverse that you can enjoy on all devices. MOBOX also includes a collection of MOMO NFTs, as well as an upcoming MOBOX chain, a revolutionary carbon neutral blockchain with over 150,000 players. MOBOX is a community-driven GameFi platform built on Binance Smart Chain. It has MOMOverse with a wide variety of blockchain based games. MOBOX uses DeFi and NFT technology to offer the community a free-to-play ecosystem that rewards users for participating. MOMOverse offers a variety of features. It includes an NFT Marketplace, Block Brawler, a system for MBOX and NFT farms, and a Moversity. Some upcoming features for the MOMOverse include a DAO/governance system, a game called ChainZArena, the first cross-platform idle RPG game ever, and the evergreen MOland to explore.

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CryptoMines (ETERNAL). CryptoMines is a SciFi “Earn by Playing” NFT game built on the Binance Smart Chain. It offers players a fun Metaverse experience, allowing users to collect Workers and Spaceships and travel the universe in search of ETERNAL, a mineral that allows players to live another day and profit along the way. Not only is the game distributed on the Binance Smart Chain, it is also compatible with Web3 wallets such as MetaMask, making it extremely easy for anyone to start playing the game. Also, all assets in the game are the property of the players and the NFTs are minted in the ERC-721 standard, allowing these assets to be traded in markets or directly between players.

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Lots of options on GameFi

Bomb Crypto (BCOIN). The most popular Dapp on Binance Smart Chain, Bomb Crypto is a Play-to-Win NFT game that allows users to manage bomber heroes, explore their Metaverse and defeat monsters and bosses to get rewards. Users can earn NFT items just by playing the game. They can then sell their NFT products in the marketplace to earn money. To start playing the game, players must purchase 1 Bomb hero costing 10 BCOINs. Currently the most popular Metaverse project on Binance Smart Chain, Bomb Crypto is an option for those looking to open their doors with NFTs and crypto games.

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