Experienced Analyst Identify 3 Altcoins: These Are the Best!

Crypto investor Tyler Swope explains his top altcoin projects as volatility shakes up the crypto markets. Swope tells 298,000 YouTube subscribers that the number one altcoin is the decentralized reserve currency OlympusDAO (OHM). Other altcoins and details cryptocoin.com‘in.

3 Altcoin projects stand out

Olympus also caught the attention of high-profile investor Mark Cuban, who bought and staked OHM in July. Speaking of OHM, Analyst Swope says:

In a short time, it has become one of the most diversified, non-protoken token treasures in crypto… OHM buyers are encouraged to HODL and stake as APYs for staking are crazy. Currently over 7,300%! Olympus has started a DeFi revolution… OHM is the most forked protocol and code of the year, with the amount of forks reaching the levels of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Uniswap.

Next on Swope’s list is REN, an open protocol that provides cross-blockchain liquidity access for decentralized applications (DApps). REN is an Ethereum-based token that enables crypto transfers between different blockchains. The analyst says: “I think this token is ready for a pump… I feel like REN will re-incorporate the top 100 cryptos.” [REN ekosistem savunucusu] Maximilian Roszko also tweeted explaining this.

Third, Tyler looks at Energy Web Chain (EWT), an enterprise-grade blockchain platform built to meet the logistics demands of the energy industry. The platform’s native token, EWT, provides network security and authenticator compensation. Tyler highlights two positive catalysts for EWT: “EWT has recently updated its validator code of conduct, and it has a section on blatant rent seeking… You should also know that something big is coming for the Energy Web by the end of the year: staking. Last week, they announced a support period of over 21% APY for early stakers.”

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