Experienced Analyst Announces 4 Cryptocurrencies to Buy in March!

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which is a heavy burden on all global markets for many reasons, still continues. That’s why traders are confused, they don’t know which cryptocurrency to hold and which to remove from their portfolio. Crypto analyst Lark Davis shares the top 4 cryptocurrencies he thinks can be bought this March. we too cryptocoin.com We have compiled the analyst’s posts in his own words for our readers.

Lark Davis’ analysis of selected cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin (BTC)

We are experiencing upward volatility. But if we experience more downside volatility in the coming weeks, something like Bitcoin is likely to receive fewer altcoins. Just because they’ve dropped 90% doesn’t mean they can’t go down 90% more. Therefore, it seems safe to continue staking by buying more Bitcoins.

BTC Chart | Source: Twitter

The price is still trading below the 200-day moving average. It’s a good time to accumulate more Bitcoins. It has a double bottom pattern. This W pattern break is actually in the mid-$50,000 range. So this could be a very important move for the cryptocurrency markets.

Ethereum (ETH)

The leading altcoin is one of the most important cryptocurrencies. If there is market volatility, it will likely be less affected than many low-cap altcoins. There will also be a Proof of Stake (PoS) move in about three months, namely in June. It could provide a good market catalyst for an old-fashioned Ethereum pump.



STEPN is actually preparing a Binance launch pool. The concept of this project is a Web3 lifestyle app. You can earn money by walking or running outside. You can have a running app that pays you cryptocurrency for your run. It’s a great concept to start earning free crypto. There are a lot of followers on Discord and Twitter, a lot of people have downloaded the app so people are using it, playing and having fun.


Having a stablecoin position gives you a lot of flexibility in your portfolio. It allows you to buy bottoms using a stablecoin position. It is very useful in this respect. You can also earn 19.5% APY from your stablecoins. That’s why there’s a lot of extra money available compared to some central lenders.

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