Exciting Metaverse Explained by Shiba Inu: New Developments on the Horizon!

Recent developments in the Shiba Inu Metaverse project point to a bright future for its supporters.

The Shiba Inu team recently shared an update on the progress of “SHIB – The Metaverse” highlighting the project’s achievements, structural changes, new designs and roadmap changes. The team expressed confidence in these changes and their positive impact on users.

In a blog post published on April 10, the Shiba Inu team outlined their goals for the development of the project and stated that by the end of 2023 users will have access to various areas of the Metaverse:

“Although all development takes time, the MV team is confident that by the end of 2023 users will have the opportunity to explore, build, design, play and develop some areas in this fantasy world.”

Besides, the Shiba Inu team has also created a new official Twitter account @mvshib to keep users informed about the progress of the project.

The team has significantly improved the infrastructure of SHIB – The Metaverse, focusing on providing a better experience for users. This change of direction led the team to adapt existing development efforts and begin creating new Hubs (the most valuable parcels of land in the metaverse) based on this new vision. They believe the results are impressive and will exceed user expectations.

One of the biggest changes in the development process was the adoption of Unreal Engine 5.1. This allowed the SHIB team to restructure and take a modern, hands-on approach to developing the massive open world.

Koinfinans.com As we reported, for The Metaverse, the first release of SHIB, the team is working diligently to develop a set of tools to improve the user experience. Key tools include Plot Builder, a user-friendly interface that allows users to create and customize their plots, and Avatar Builder, which allows users to create unique digital identities with a variety of customization options. Details on a third tool, Game Maker, will be revealed in a later blog post.

Finally, the blog post detailed the Shiba Inu team’s experience at the SXSW festival. According to the shared information, the team’s stand attracted attention and the festival organizers praised their marketing approach. This success at SXSW demonstrates growing interest in the SHIB – The Metaverse project and its potential for the future of digital worlds.

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