Everyone Is After This Altcoin Project!

The first quarter report of 2023 published by CoinMarketCap revealed the interest in these cryptocurrencies. According to the report, Shiba Inu (SHIB), which is among the most viewed crypto currency by investors after Bitcoin (BTC) and Baby Dogecoin (BABYDOGE), attracts the attention of many investors. Experts point to a recent rise, especially after the latest report by CoinMarketCap has proven the interest shown by investors! So, what are the next levels for the popular altcoin Shiba Inu (SHIB)?

The CoinMarketCap report revealed the interest in this altcoin project!

According to the CoinMarketCap Q1 2023 report, the popularity of the Shiba Inu has also skyrocketed across different continents, including North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Europe. The popular altcoin gained over 12.5 views, with only 11.56 percent among people living in these continents excluding Europe. However, North America has become a bustling hub for SHIB, with 20.39 percent views among crypto investors in the region. The graph shared by CoinMarketCap is as follows:

But on the other hand, the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC) is the most followed and viewed cryptocurrency on different continents. BTC got the least views in South America with 36.78 percent, followed by Baby Doge Coin and Shiba Inu. Also, CoinMarketCap discovered that from 1,809 million users in December 2022, more than 1.84 million users have Shiba Inu on their watchlist to monitor the movement of the coin in real time. However, with this interest in Shiba Inu, experts expect a rise in SHIB price in the near future. According to experts, new opportunities may arise for SHIB, which has gained more than 7 percent in value especially in the last week.

SHIB price has outstripped other altcoins!

On the other hand cryptocoin.com As we reported, the Shiba Inu community witnessed a rapid increase in activity in March, especially after the launch of Shibarium’s testnet Puppynet. Shibarium Puppynet has enjoyed tremendous support from the Shina Inu community, with a steady increase in adoption since its launch on March 11th. Puppy Scan data shows that Puppynet has logged over 100,000 wallets and over 800,000 transactions.

Shiba Inu price chart

The popular memecoin project Shiba Inu (SHIB) has been a target of large communities and investors for a long time. Especially as a result of the increasing interest in Shibarium, many investors turned their eyes to Shiba Inu, while the price of SHIB gained 7.8 percent in the last week. While the price of SHIB was momentarily traded at $ 0.00001126, it reached a market value of $ 6.61 billion, with an increase of 0.4 in the last 24 hours. The transaction volume of the project increased by 175.83%.

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