Europe’s Largest Nuclear Plant at Risk of Catastrophe

Rafael Grossi, President of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), made frightening statements about the Zaporjia Nuclear Power Plant captured by Russia in the Russia-Ukraine war. Grossi stated that Europe’s largest power plant is at risk of disaster.

It has started in the past months and is on the agenda of the whole world. Russia-Ukraine tension continues. The war, which caused the death of many people, also spread to the Zaporjiya Nuclear Power Plant, which is described as the largest nuclear facility in Europe. Russia, which attacked the power plant in the early days of the war, managed to seize the facility in the past months.

Now, frightening statements have come from the authorities about the giant power plant. According to the BBC report International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)stated that they are concerned about the Zaporjia Nuclear Power Plant, which is under the control of Russia.

“There is a risk of disaster”

Rafael Grossi, President of the International Atomic Energy Agency operating under the United Nations, stated that the nuclear power plant was damaged; therefore it needs to be examined and repaired. Stating that things are happening that should not happen in any nuclear power plant, the president said that the facility located in the area close to the conflicts. disaster reported that he was at risk.

In addition, Grossi emphasized that Ukrainian personnel should fulfill their duties without being pressured or threatened. Stating that it is unbelievable not to do anything while the war continues, the 61-year-old president said that a possible accident that there will be no natural disaster that we can blame also highlighted.


Scientists, “What Would Happen If A Nuclear War Happened Today?” He Answered His Question That Sounded Like A Nightmare

Source :,1051123

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