Europe will pass its internet network over the Black Sea

The European Union (EU) is reshaping the internet network. After the war between Russia and Ukraine, it wants to reduce the dependency on the lines passing through Russia. According to the emerging reports, the EU will pass through the Black Sea. underwater internet cable plans to lay.

The European Union will pass the internet under the Black Sea

A new project submitted to the European Commission, Caucasus with EU countries aims to establish a secure digital connection between the region. It is planned to provide the internet through Georgia against security vulnerabilities such as espionage, hacking and theft.

Internet cables reaching the EU now pass through Russia. With the new project, the Commission sees the submarine cable as a strategic solution. This 1100 kilometers long submarine internet project for 45 million euros is thought to cost. However, it will strengthen the link between the EU and the Caucasus.

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Trevor Jacob, who managed to escape by parachuting from the crashed plane in the past years, admitted the facts of the event.

In an agreement signed in 2021, it was decided to improve Georgia’s digital infrastructure. The underwater cables submitted to the European Commission, on the other hand, will cross vulnerable roads and remove Russia from the internet network. Therefore, it will offer more security and stability for EU countries.

The “Dream cable” used in Europe today stretches for 8700 kilometers. It passes through Russia to connect Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and China. The new internet network is expected to provide secure access to energy in the Caucasus region.

Details of the project are not yet known. It should be noted that it is still in the evaluation phase and has not been tendered for implementation.

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