Europe Brings the Digital Euro Project to the Preparation Phase

The European Central Bank decided to take the digital euro project to the preparation phase.

The European Central Bank will decide whether to issue a digital euro depending on the results to be obtained during the preparation phase. can decide.

On whether Europe should issue a central bank digital currency (CBDC) two years of research It was expected to make a decision at the end, but the European Central Bank like personal privacy It received a lot of criticism due to its elements.

The research process is planned to start in November. During this process, which will continue for two years, laws regarding the digital euro will be prepared, organizations that will develop the CBDC platform will be determined and different tests will be carried out.

European Central Bank (ECB) managers, in line with the results obtained in the process “Whether to proceed to the next preparation phase” he will decide.

The ECB has not made a final decision on the digital euro, even though it is in the preparation phase. The decision on whether to issue a digital euro will be made by the European Union on this issue. legal processes will be received when completed.

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