Europe Also Introduced Additional Taxes on Chinese Electric Cars

After Turkey, the electric car coup came to China from Europe. The EU plans to increase the customs duty on electric cars imported from China by up to 38% starting next month.

Recently, an important move was made in Turkey regarding automobiles coming from China. With a decision published in the Official Gazette, internal combustion cars coming from China will now have an additional 10% share. 40% additional customs duty It was stated that he would be subjected to Previously, this additional tax only existed on electric vehicles coming from China.

Now, a move against China has come from the European Union. According to information from many news sources, the European Commission has determined that imports from China Customs duty on electric cars from 10% to 25% He decided to remove the amount and informed the brands about it. It was added that the decision is expected to be implemented around July 4.

EU taxes will vary from brand to brand

In addition, the same tax will not be applied to every brand, rates will change Among the information received. Taxes applied to brands that do not cooperate with the EU can reach up to 38%. 21% of those who collaborate It is stated that tax rate will be applied. This move by the EU came after Chinese companies challenged the brands due to affordable electric vehicles.

Apart from this, Journalist Emre Özpeynirci also shared information about the taxes to be applied to brands. When we look at the data shared by Özpeynirci, the world’s largest electric vehicle manufacturer BYD cooperated and that’s why 17.4% We see that it will be taxable. on the other hand Geely is 21% will face tax at .

The most striking part of the list is the companies that include companies such as MG. To SAIC Group applied tax. EU’s automobile giant around 38% We can see that it will impose a tax.

Not only Chinese companies, but also companies producing electric vehicles in China are affected by the decision. Western companies such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Tesla will also be affected. There is no information about whether these companies cooperate with the EU and how much tax they will be subject to. However, The Guardian has received information from its sources that Tesla, which brought the Model 3 to Europe from China, has reached an agreement with the EU and may face a 21% tax.


Heavy Blow to Chery and MG: Additional Customs Tax Will Now Be Collected from Gasoline and Diesel Cars Coming from China

We will see how the additional customs duty imposed by Europe on vehicles coming from China will affect Turkey. It is a matter of curiosity whether the 10% normal customs duty, other than the 40% additional tax in our country, will increase within the framework of compliance.


“Will it withdraw from Turkey?” Statement from Chery and MG about “Additional Customs Duty”

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