Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin Announces 5 Developments That Excite Him The Most!

Vitalik is currently Ethereum just published a new article on what excites him most about his ecosystem.

Ethereum Founder Wrote Exciting Details For The ETH Ecosystem In His Article

Here’s what they said:

1.) Money

cryptocurrenciesoffers several advantages in rich countries:

– Security against removal from platforms

– More convenient to donate

– Represents private equity in a cashless society

1.1) Stablecoins

On-chain stablecoins have many useful features:

– Available to everyone

– Resistant to censorship

– Good interaction with on-chain infrastructure (accounts, DEXs, etc.).

1.2) 3 stablecoin categories:

– Centralized stablecoins

– stablecoins backed by real world assets managed by DAO

– Crypto-backed stablecoins with minimized management

Buterin said in his post that the stability of USDC depends on the United States:

1.3) Exchange

– USDC works, but its stability depends on the macroeconomic and political stability of the US.

– RAI can circumvent all these risks, but has a negative interest rate.


3) Digital Identity

4) DAOs

4.1) Decentralization to ensure resilience

A decentralized management structure protects against inside attackers.

Decentralized applications protect against strong outside attackers (“censorship resistance”).

5) Hybrid applications

There are hybrid applications that leverage both blockchains and other systems to improve trust models.

Buterin also spoke about the challenges and solutions for the cryptocurrency industry:

challenges ahead

– Blockchains are not scalable.
– Transactions take a long time to happen on-chain.
– Wallets are either not user-friendly or secure.


– Decentralized solutions for fundraising
– ERC-4337 and account abstraction wallets
– Rollup technology to solve scalability

*Not investment advice.

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