Ethereum Founder Reveals: I’m Using These Now!

In a thought-provoking blog post, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin expressed his deep concerns about the uncontrolled development of super-advanced artificial intelligence (AI). On the other hand, Buterin shared various artificial intelligence projects that he benefited from. Here are the details…

Ethereum founder publishes artificial intelligence article

Buterin warns that if left unchecked, AI poses a “serious chance” of surpassing humans and becoming the next “advanced species” on the planet. Noting the uniqueness of AI as a potential threat, Buterin notes its capacity to create a new type of “mind” that can turn against human interests, potentially leading to devastating consequences including human extinction.

Acknowledging that these claims are extreme, Buterin cites a survey conducted in August 2022 with the participation of over 4,270 machine learning researchers. The survey estimated that there was a 5-10% chance that AI would pose a threat to humanity. Despite the seriousness of the potential risks, Buterin suggests that humans can intervene to maintain control over the development of AI and reduce its negative effects.

How is artificial intelligence control achieved?

In light of this, Buterin proposes the integration of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) as a solution to give humans greater control over powerful AI-based forms of computation and cognition. BCIs act as communication pathways between the brain’s electrical activity and external devices, reducing the communication cycle between humans and machines to milliseconds. According to Buterin, this would empower humans with “meaningful agency” over AI and reduce the risk of it acting against humanity’s values.

What projects does Buterin use?

Moving on to Buterin’s latest activities, he shared his views on the projects he actively uses, including the Farcaster project. Operating on the Ethereum and Optimism networks, Farcaster serves as a protocol for creating decentralized social networks. Buterin acknowledges the growing desire for alternatives to centralized platforms like Twitter and emphasizes the need for decentralized solutions. Shifting his focus to Ethereum’s ongoing developments, Buterin discusses the community’s transition from a proof-of-work algorithm to a proof-of-stake algorithm last year.

Emphasizing the importance of abstraction of accounts and scalability, Buterin talked about the upcoming EIP-4844 update. This update aims to increase the data space on the Blockchain by addressing scalability issues in the Ethereum ecosystem. In the long term, Buterin envisions further expansion of the data space and improvements to the proof-of-stake algorithm, reflecting the Ethereum community’s commitment to advancing the technology. Beyond blockchain projects, Buterin touts his diverse toolset, using ChatGPT for coding and translation and Stable Diffusion for rendering.

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